I notice people complaining about skillers being able to do higher courses easily because there are no quest req?
First off, it's a shame some of you are so eager to make this update unsuitable for skillers...
Why should it matter so much what our combat lvl is to train agility?
IF this is seriously going to be an issue then PLEASE Jagex don't make quest requirements that will make it impossible for us lvl 3s to enjoy this update. I don't want to be stuck on lower courses at less xp when I could be doing the higher ones.
This is an AGILITY update.. not a combat one.
Perhaps instead of quest req there could be a total lvl req?
For instance, to do the ardy course you first have to talk to someone in ardy who will either let you begin the course (if you have the right total lvl) or tell the player that he needs to have more "Skills" before trying his luck...
I don't mind having to work for it BUT I do mind being excluded in an update that has to do with SKILLS not combat.
We may be a minority but seriously who does it hurt to keep us included? No reason to be cruel for the hell of it.
29-Nov-2013 20:18:52
- Last edited on
29-Nov-2013 20:49:01