In short, my recommendations: DEflation, not inflation, is the problem as more come in than go out on virtually ALL items. Being too aggressive with gold sinks will continue to result in declining prices. I would recommend taxing virtually everything besides bonds, and perhaps matching a portion of the tax. If you do want to limit the boosting to these items, it only makes sense and is fair that only these items are taxed, leaving the status quo for the rest of the items. The taxpayers should receive the tax benefits. It is very unjust to demand flippers not only stock items as they currently must, but that on top of that they pay a tax to go toward boosting the price of other items as the items they flip/merch continue to deflate. Even if one isn’t a mercher, if one makes a long-term purchase it seems unfair to tax them (passed on) on that purchase to go toward the boosting of another item. The unique characteristic of OSRS is that is has a largely free market, player-driven economy, where Jagex “deciding” which items are boosted may make OSRS lose its unique luster. That smacks of central planning, completely defeating the point of the OSRS economy.
Two final thoughts: taxing kodai *insignias*? May want to rethink that one. Final products, not inputs, should be taxed to the extent possible. I also think you guys hit the nail on the head with 2%.
05-Nov-2021 00:36:54
- Last edited on
05-Nov-2021 02:11:19
Bent Truth