
Equipment Rebalancing Changes

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Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm curious aswell what your plans are for the other tiers of d'hide armours, given the defense reductions on black d'hide would put it below red d'hide in stats. Does this mean you plan to reduce all d'hide tiers to keep the stat increase linear or will black d'hide just be an outlier with ~40-50% less defensive stats than its previous tier? Given that the bodies require 40 defense to wear, reducing its stats to somewhere around a black platebody with more ranged defense doesn't really fit. The defense stats are only +5 more than a red d'hide body aside from magic, but the nobody thinks the red d'hide body is overpowered? And the main complaint for it being too strong is most likely the magic defense stat, but lowering that too much defeats the purpose of it being a ranged armour: having higher magic defense. Not sure what needs to be changed on it, if anything, for balancing. But the proposed changes don't seem to make sense or fit with other things also in game.

On a positive note, I believe leaving the faceguard as is was a fine decision. It was introduced with the intention of being BiS strength bonus but with lower defense than the serpentine helm. Raising the slayer requirement for basilisk knights could make it not as easily obtained, as 60 slayer isn't very high of a requirement given their difficulty compared to other slayer monsters. Gargoyles, Nechryael, Fossil Island wyverns, and even Abyssal demons are all easier or even afkable while basilisk knights typically aren't unless using ranged. If meleeing, they're considerably harder than higher slayer monsters. Raising their slayer requirement and making it more difficult or impossible to range safespot them would make the jaw harder to obtain and thus help keep it's rarity

27-Jan-2021 05:39:32

Sei Asagiri
Nov Member 2019

Sei Asagiri

Posts: 439 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Since there was a new post about this, I'll make a new one in response.

I still think Faceguard nerf to +5 is fine, but ONLY if Serp is nerfed to +4 str. I think the main problem with Faceguard nerf is it removes the balance of choice. That's THE NUMBER ONE thing I think you need to understand to prevent power creep while adding new interesting items. Similar to how Inquisitor is not really an upgrade to Bandos armor, Serp helm should be an alternative to Faceguard, with more def and less str--so if you want to nerf Faceguard that's fine, but you need to keep the choice instead of having Serp being the runaway favorite for every scenario.

Black Dhide... I still think this is incorrect, but if blessed hide retains its stats that would be a HUGE step in the right direction. Clue values have been dropping further and further as the market gets saturated with the items that have no value beside cosmetic, and having blessed hide be an actual thing that almost everyone wants would be a fantastic solution.

Blowpipe nerf revision seems potentially ok, but I'm still worried about specific activities. I don't think I'll be able to reliably skip (90%+ or higher is my arbitrary benchmark of choice) Dawn's heal phase, and inferno will need either a nerf or a new item to fill the much needed gap for dealing with certain mobs, especially rangers during zuk as well as his healers.

Below paragraph I admit may have a measure of bias. The above text I feel is unbiased feedback.

Finally, I still feel tbow needs a further nerf because of how game breakingly strong it is in specific activities. I don't feel like any item should ever be in this game that has such a profound effect. For example, if two people duo Commander Zil, one has an arma cbow and the other a tbow with otherwise similar gear and stats, the cbow user will basically never get a kill. The difference is way too large. Some difference? Sure, that's good, it should fulfill a purpose. But not to such strong effect.

27-Jan-2021 06:29:01 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2021 06:30:46 by Sei Asagiri

Capt Murdoc
Jul Member 2019

Capt Murdoc

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Blowpipe is nerf is better but still a bit too heavy handed imo. +3 to the range requirement seems a bit odd. It doesn't hold anyone back from taking it to the higher level content where monsters typically have higher defense but it does add an arbitrary 3 levels for the more mid game slayer monsters that have low defense that the nerfed blowpipe seems to be intended for.

D'hide nerf I also feel is heavy handed. It's obvious the only reason for the nerf is for pvp. Lowering the melee defense is fine but lowering the mage defense makes no sense based on adhering to the combat triangle. Lowering the defense of blessed d'hide also makes no sense since it is not nearly as readily available as black d'hide which was one of the main reasons you mentioned for the nerf in the first blog post.

The dihns bulwark nerfs is what I don't understand at all. The design of the bulwark was to be as tanky as you can be. Since there is almost no scenario in pvm where that is useful it's one use is pvp. It's melee stats will be barely better than DFS, it's magic defense will be WORSE than a DFS and the one aspect where it will be good is ranged defense. All the while you are giving up your weapon slot for more defense. People complaining that they have to struggle to kill someone whose entire gear choices and goal is to not die makes no sense. Or just remove it from the game completely, give everyone that has one high alch gold for it and add an item in game that lets you aggro an 11 tile area every 2 1/2 minutes. That gives players back it's one use in game at that point, pulling nechs and dust devils when bursting.

Also poll it. This game was brought back from the dead because it was driven by community polls. The blowpipe changes could be argued that they are for game integrity but almost every other change is not needed for game health, it's just something you want. Lumping them in as a needed integrity change is dishonest at best.

27-Jan-2021 06:53:42



Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wheres the poll.

D Hide nerf is too much.

After this all trust i had with you is gone.

20 year old armour and you say its so imperitive to change you are doing it without a poll.

The whole thing stinks and sets out a bleak future for osrs i wont be renewing members on my 3 main accounts and intend to look around for another game to play.

27-Jan-2021 07:06:29

Cutie Jack
Sep Member 2019

Cutie Jack

Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The newest update blog, posted on the 26th, felt like a condescending disregard for the feedback I've been seeing from the community, and the feedback you say you've seen yourselves. In the dragon hide nerf, for example, the post says Jagex knows the community "understandably" doesn't want you to nerf old school content, but seemingly regardless of that information you continue to say you're still doing it. The entire post comes across as an attempt to have a clear article to point to so you can say "look, we listened to the community, we acknowledged problems with what we decided is going to happen, and that's too bad you feel that way". All I see from Jagex is a complete disrespect and disregard for the opinions of the playerbase, which has been apparent since they announced this massive game changing update wouldn't be voted on. I'm shocked and disappointed by the complete 180 the Jmods seem to have taken on their "player driven" policy.

27-Jan-2021 07:06:45

get cool

get cool

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History repeats itself... extremely worrying that Jagex is implementing huge changes to the game without polling. The game is fine and fun the way it is right now, there are bigger issues (BOTTING AND GOLDFARMING). You're really making a mistake here Jagex. getcool

27-Jan-2021 08:20:35

Jul Member 2018


Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After reading the latest blog post of the revised changes to the equipment re-balancing, you guys mentioned a gap to fill regarding range weapons.

Would it be possible if we could tip runite bolts with diamond/ruby instead of it just being limited to adamant and dragon bolts, so we can have somewhat of an upgrade in crossbow power especially for ironmen.

Also would love to see a crystal bow upgrade from the Gauntlet, it would tie in nicely for the weapon.

27-Jan-2021 08:39:08



Posts: 164 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
blowpipe nerf is fine as newly proposed if something fill the void it leaves for endgame stuff with higher defense, changing meta never a good thing though for player retention howbeit. The dragonhide nerf is still going to imbalance the combat triangle further, especially the magic defense reduction. Just make blessed' dhide have same stats as it currently does, higher, if you are worried about jagex as a company being able to manipulate the osrs economy and or your pvp community. I like the idea people keep proposing about buffing the crystal bow since as it stands its kinda weak for its reqs and upkeep.

All of this should of course be polled or it kinda defeats the point of osrs in the larger part of the communities' eyes. Osrs' uniqueness comes from the polls, don't destroy that competitive advantage you have over other MMO's by not polling.

27-Jan-2021 10:36:59

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