
Equipment Rebalancing Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-688-66200218

Feb Member 2024


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Dex Faith said :
I really like the updated equipment balances. However, I am and have always been a big fan of the crystal bow, and would love to see it come back to the meta. I think it would be amazing to see harmonized, eldritch, and volatile bowstrings as items to be added to the crystal bow, just as the orbs can be added to the nightmare staff for similar effect. These "loaded" crystal bows could have a higher stat requirement than the base crystal bow (again, just like the nightmare staff). Maybe these bowstrings could be raids 3 rewards?

really like that idea (Y)

26-Jan-2021 16:51:19

Daddy Eddie
Mar Member 2024

Daddy Eddie

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Another thought I wanted to add to my above post is the fact that Elder Maul was never mentioned in these proposed buffs, as it is a MEGA RARE, and has virtually no uses as is.

Since we're open for feedback, I'd like to discuss Elder Maul.

I would recommend giving it a slight boost on bug creatures, to make it a more viable weapon across the game, instead of its' only use being for Tektok. Please consider this and my above post Jagex, the future of Ironman Progression may be laid to rest with these nerfs.

26-Jan-2021 16:52:28

Control 1

Control 1

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Dude its getting so hard to play this game anymore. Stop making pvp changes without asking the pvp community. Do you actually even listen to community or do you guys just go off what one clan leader said? Ya'll should be buffing the dinhs instead of nerfing it. The dihns is a high tier item from raids and is the single pkers best defense against clans in multi. And it ups our risk a few mill. Not only that it helps pvmers actually do content in the wilderness. Leave things a lone. But no one clan leader said its hard to dps against it you all decide to nerf it. What a joke.

26-Jan-2021 17:01:32

Oct Member 2018


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If the blow pipe is such a problem why not just remove it entirely? Leaving us with a weaker, less effective version is just a slap in the face in my opinion. Remove the item and exchange it with gold for the current prices. Head back to the drawing board and don't make the same mistake. But in all, this update just puts me in a bad mood.

26-Jan-2021 17:01:57

Oct Member 2018


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If the blow pipe is such a problem why not just remove it entirely? Leaving us with a weaker, less effective version is just a slap in the face in my opinion. Remove the item and exchange it with gold for the current prices. Head back to the drawing board and don't make the same mistake. But in all, this update just puts me in a bad mood.

26-Jan-2021 17:02:00

Dec Member 2023


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Regarding the beta world
- Finally, we can test upcoming updates and gives more precise feedback.

BP nerfs
- It is good to see changes, it means we're moving forward. Jagex addressing the bp being OP means that they care about the game (they also read feedbacks guys, stop getting butthurt). Making the BP not obsolete but rather the bis ranged for low def monsters is great as it means there is room for more ranged weapons to be tested and shine by its own. The nerfs doesn't mean BP will be useless, just optional.

- As for the gap filler for ranged against high def monsters. Other than buffing the crystal armour set, please make a new unique ranged weapon (maybe with a spec that penetrates/reduces monster defs). This is because maintaining the crystal armour set can be hard and expensive, especially for ironmen.

Personal Best
- Great, thanks

N. Faceguard
- It is great to see how you revert that nerf because of the feedbacks. And with the Basilisk still getting weaker (and you proposed it being more AFK), I can see that the N. Faceguard will be cheaper to make and acquire.

Dragonhide Arm.
- I'm fine with them being nerfed, but maybe not that much? Especially the defence against Magic. Maybe reducing the melee defence but increasing the magic defence as it is a ranged set. Also, I agree with having more content to fill in the gap that the D'hide once had. (new things is always exciting if done right.)

Dinh's Bulw
- Idk about this one as I don't really go out to Wildy that much but seeing how much stats were reduced, maybe, just maybe, it is too much (It is a tank equipment anyway).

All in all, feeling quite okay as this could mean a lot more new content while not forgetting the old ones.

26-Jan-2021 17:03:43



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how about ADD the tier filler weapon first, before going ahead with the nerf? if blowpipe got nerfed now, and we have no AFFORDABLE alternatives available, what are we supposed to do? gawk at the boss and hope it dies? blowpipe works fine on demonic gorillas with blowpipe/bludgeon switch before the changes, and considering the demonic gorillas has around 200 def, what do we do now? switch to crossbow with bolts so we have awkward switch, while discarding the blessings?

create alternatives first, THEN nerf or whatever, not the other way around.
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26-Jan-2021 17:12:17

Jul Member 2019


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I want to voice a few points here that make little to no sense to me regarding the blowpipe.

1: If the goal is to lower the pipes effectiveness in late game activities like inferno and raids or gwd, then I feel like the accuracy nerf to the pipe itself is MORE than enough in this instance. Even while using mithril darts the blowpipe is already quite expensive to use with each shot costing 100~ GP. Now, with the proposed nerfs, to maintain any semblance of usefulness you're saying we'll have to use higher tier ammunitions. Dragon darts are prohibitively expensive, and even while using BIS ranging gear there is still a 10% reduction in effectiveness on an extremely low defense mob while there is nearly a 2000% increase in cost per shot in comparing the standard mithril darts most use now for things like slayer to dragon darts.

2: In the post you're mentioning the crystal bow as a replacement, but it's important to remember that you're also suggesting a massive buff just to make it viable in comparison. The Crystal bow also has a consistent upkeep cost.

3: I would like to see what the proposed changes are going to do to Mithril darts specifically because that is the cheapest most cost effective ammo now for things like slayer. It seems like you're trying to balance for the most expensive possible usage of this item. I'll admit, it shouldn't be BIS for raids or inferno, but it should be a viable option, seeing almost no others at the level you're proposing, if you can't scrape up the meager 1.3 billion gp you need for a twisted bow.

4: with the proposed level increase you're suggesting that the blowpipe should be 8 whole levels higher in requirement, but be effectively worse than all the other level 70 gear. That's makes absolutely no sense considering your other points. You mention that the armadyl cb would be worst when using adamant darts against low def mobs. The blowpipe at level 78 should be better in almost every scenario otherwise it's not an upgrade.

26-Jan-2021 17:14:52

May Member 2020


Posts: 381 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great stuff! Loving the fact that faceguard is staying as it is but I’m having little mixed feelings with the blowpipe changes, but I understand why adjustment is being needed :)

I’m looking forward to try out the blowpipe at Fights Caves/Inferno.
Twitter @ippe_rs

Staff Member of Community Clan

26-Jan-2021 17:22:36 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2021 17:24:22 by Ippe

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On the changes to Dins

You mention that it's got no real use in pvm for such a rare/expensive item. Why not adjust the special attack so that it consumes 100% spec, taunts all enemies to the dins, and doubles your defense if 3 or more enemies are taunted. For each taunted enemy that is slain for the 30 second duration you get 20% of your spec back. This would fullfill the tanky power fantasy of the item, make it useful for future pvm scenarios, keep it useful for people who like to barrage/burst necs or dust devils, and also prevent it from being too strong in 1v1 or 2v1 scenarios, but good in 3v1 or higher pvp scenarios. :)

26-Jan-2021 17:49:12

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