Pretty horribly done on the changes, TBH... Now, constructive conversation below.
The community is upset about BP being nerfed not only due to existing balance but how inaccessible your nerf will make game content. Your gentle step back on an extreme nerf is far too greedy on your end. You guys aren't even polling HOW MUCH the community wants it nerfed by. You polled if they want it nerfed, and then you blew it way out of proportions. Ask them. Provide 5 different nerf points (show us numbers, show us everything) and poll it. You can force a nerf based on game integrity/future game health, but let the community decide how extreme the nerf should be. Set effects have been poorly done due to requirements of slayer helmets, gear swap feasibility, etc! I would not enjoy being unable to mix and match tops/bottoms to make switches easier for casual hybrid gameplay. Do you expect your playbase to use 8-way switches? Is that healthy? Ironmen can't even feasibly obtain the crystal gear in a reasonable timeframe.
TBOW is extremely hard for people to get, did you even consider that? Even for normal accounts, roughly 1b is way too much. You are assuming everyone has access to it when it's really only the highest level players. Blowpipe is the bridge to content for people who want to experience the game's bosses. Especially for ironmen, this is true. Ironmen have no easy way to get TBOW. Blowpipe makes it at least feasible to try and grind out the TBOW.
Faceguard remaining the same with prospect of more difficult basilisks is a good plan.
Dragonhide, I think you are missing a very important balance change that you could do: keep blessed d' hide stats the same. Keep those at it's current game state and reduce the power of regular d'hide. That would give PKERS what they want, without overly nerfing general use of d'hide, becuase it's a cool nondegradable option that you are definitely taking away right now.
Please hear this out, especially the BP and DHIDE suggestion.
26-Jan-2021 16:19:45