
Equipment Rebalancing Changes

Quick find code: 380-381-688-66200218



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, I got a lot of things to say, so many things i cant even organize them propperly, will focus on Blowpipe first.

You guys heard our feedbacks and Im appreciated that you did, but now lets think a bit about the game after this changes take place. We got weapons that will render current blowpipe totally useless, I dont think you should focus on items just by the price the community pulled on them. Now, we got alternatives to the blowpipe, that given a nerf, will be the new bis mostly overall. You may ask which? I will make a list.

-Magic shortbow imbued with amethyst arrows (currently comparable to blowpipe with mith darts). Costs like 250k overall and its a huge DPS output if nerf comes.
-Craw's bow (comparable to a magic shortbow i without the special attack, charged with Dragon Arrows ). Currently costs 7.7M or so, and similar cost to use than a current blowpipe.

So, remove the blowpipe from the way, you will see more Craw's bows in the safe land totally destroying and out dpsing everything else, and the cheap alternative, the magic shortbow i. Both are viable options currently, but are underused of course.

Not to mention that new proposal closes the gap a bit but only accuracy would be needed to gain a bit more DPS, so, its another nerf for Ranger Void set.

Now, the Dhide. you say the main reason to nerf it is because it breaks the combat triangle, and i will tell you its broken and you will need to make a new game to do it again. following the same logics almost all barrows set break the triangle, battlestaves break the triangle, staff of the dead breaks the triangle and so on.

My point is, you cant try and balance the game by attacking 3 items/sets, if you want to do this you need to rebalance the whole game, and that will let us with a new game.

I hope you take my coments in consideration, for the future of this game we love, the oldschool runescape , many thanks for years of fun.

26-Jan-2021 20:43:56 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2021 20:50:25 by Realcrux

Co Mo G
Nov Member 2022

Co Mo G

Posts: 665 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't like the proposed change to the Black D'hide armor. Without having an armor that has a maintance fee (i.e. Karil's or Crystal armor) there is no intermediate option until Armadyl which is around 40 Million per item. The gap in defence and expense is so great now. Prior to this the Blessed D'hide and Black D'hide were good intermediate armors. Now they are worthless and I will not train range until I can afford Armadyl armor as I will barely ever hit, I will hit low, and I will take really high damage.

I think there should be some kind of comprise, whether this is a new armor or adding an option to keep the karils or crystal armor from degrading I do not know. As it is Range just became an obsolete way of training unless you have a lot of money.

26-Jan-2021 21:08:58

Co Mo G
Nov Member 2022

Co Mo G

Posts: 665 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't like the proposed change to the Black D'hide armor. Without having an armor that has a maintance fee (i.e. Karil's or Crystal armor) there is no intermediate option until Armadyl which is around 40 Million per item. The gap in defence and expense is so great now. Prior to this the Blessed D'hide and Black D'hide were good intermediate armors. Now they are worthless and I will not train range until I can afford Armadyl armor as I will barely ever hit, I will hit low, and I will take really high damage.

I think there should be some kind of comprise, whether this is a new armor or adding an option to keep the karils or crystal armor from degrading I do not know. As it is Range just became an obsolete way of training unless you have a lot of money.

26-Jan-2021 21:09:00



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With the last changes proposed, the toxic blowpipe is not powerful as a tier 78 ranged weapon. Nerfing dart is a good idea, but nerfing the toxic blowpipe Ranged attack (from 60 to 30) and Ranged Str (from 40 to 25) will make it completely obselete compared to rune c'bow tier 61 ranged weapon with cheaper bolts than dragon darts. POWERCREEP.

Your best option is to only SLIGHTLY nerf dart accuracy and strength, but not as proposed.

Also add to the game an add-in upgrade to the toxic blowpipe to restore back stats with tier 82 requirement and quest.

buff crystal bow with NMZ imbue. buff magic shortbow.

26-Jan-2021 21:12:49

X Snowy
Oct Member 2018

X Snowy

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Player Feedback

Ok, the blog hasn't really changed anything:

I'd like to open with: The Combat Triangle is not designed to be perfect, it would make for a very boring game if only items existed in strict, sissors-paper-rock tiers. Part of this is reflected in how hybrids find sets of gear that compromise and minimize the negative effects of contrasting armour sets.

Toxic Blowpipe

The Toxic Blowpipe is designed to be a high cost way to use range. I would contend it's something you can use against all bosses like Jad to get your first kill, but something that most players would shiver at the thought of using on an ongoing basis.
I largely see the uptake in blowpipe use as a result in the amount of player capital that is available now compared to 2012/14.
Nerfing the blowpipe directly seems an unnecessarily aggravating move, when you can achieve a reduction in its use more elegantly by simply lowering the drop rate of scales.

If you object to its use in bossing altogether, it would be cleaner to apply code to bosses, rather than take the harder route to stoichiometrically find the right balance of strength and accuracy that affects everything in game.
It's worth noting that it's already toned down sufficiently in PvP, it's not a nice weapon to go up against, but given it's only used by wildy PvMers due to its shear risk, it's an adequate deterrent against more lightly armoured rushers.

Black Dragonhide

The only reason this is a problem is because all black dragonhide items are mass produced for 99 crafting. This is one of those hybrid-able armour pieces, not unlike Splitbark!
The reason this is a problem is again due to availability, not design. Splitbark is not used by mages because it's a pain to manufacture and costs as much as Rune for the same benefit as green d hide chaps.

26-Jan-2021 21:15:41 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2021 04:52:33 by X Snowy

X Snowy
Oct Member 2018

X Snowy

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Continued from above...

It could be argued that a direct piece of range gear is tuned to more perfectly fit the combat triangle (as your changes reflect), but keep in mind this is not what has ever existed in game. Unusually, dragonhide has existed largely as semi-hybrid gear while direct range gear such as the Rangers Set is a rare drop from clue scrolls.
It is odd, but
I wouldn't tear up equipment that has existed since 2004 to sate a need for a perfect combat triangle that never existed.
I would see this as an opportunity to create direct, mid-level range gear.
This is ultimately too contentious to modify in an unpolled updated. I would expect discussion on something this big to be ongoing for 6 months, with at least 3 rounds of polls.

Dinh's Bulwark

This is an interesting one. I would argue that this shield is purely defensive and not designed to even have the combat triangle applied to it.
Yes, PvPers cry loudly about it, but the wilderness puts you in multi-combat situations where its defence bonuses are not unreasonable for a non-combatant.
The people who are complaining about this are chasing Level 126 maxed tank chin hunters from level 33 wildy to Edgeville, I would see this as an ambitious accomplishment without the shield, however risk and reward could be better aligned. It may be worth degrading the Bulwark on death such that dying with it carries more risk.
Ultimately, the Bulwark is a device that acts against power creep
, I would not nerf it.


This is actually reasonable, it doesn't seem right for a quest reward item to have the highest in game strength bonus. I would probably tone this down to +4 even in line with expensive inquisitor gear, the degradable serpentine helm is a more appropriate top strength item.

Poll all changes. It exceeds integrity.

26-Jan-2021 21:15:52 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2021 04:55:45 by X Snowy



Posts: 597 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lol the blog post is Jagex literally crying that Blowpipe is an affordable weapon that in SOME cases can out dps a tbow or ACB. They literally only want players who shell out 10s of mils to do high level bossing.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Inq, Saeldor (being an outright upgrade), tentacle whip, and Ghrazi existing, abyssal whip would have also been nerfed.

Well, I'll play the next two weeks of membership but yeah I'm out.

Quit when you guys released EoC and I will do it again (this time with way more games available + a backlog). To those of you who don't remember, players DO quit the game...look into EOC before saying "oh you'll be back next week"

Good luck with wherever you take the advice is to start the MTX sooner than later as you guys aren't getting new players and can only keep veterans for so long.

26-Jan-2021 21:20:01 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2021 21:23:01 by Gulma1

The Doubl3r
Jun Member 2022

The Doubl3r

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nerfing the blowpipe but then increases stats for the darts. Seems as if the blowpipe will be used as a money dump? Dinh’s bulwark was only used for pvp situations already. So you are going to slash it’s stats so even the small percentage of people who use it will no longer use it? Gah-ley who’s in charge over there these days. KEEP THE GAME HOW IT IS. NO NEED TO ADD MORE CRAP TO THE GAME. ITS CALLED OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE NOT NEW SCHOOL RUNESCAPE.

26-Jan-2021 21:45:50

Iron Cohan
Apr Member 2022

Iron Cohan

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
15+ year Player here-

I understand that you need a way to make new item tiers of weaponry and armor, but you’re going about this the wrong way in my opinion. Let me explain-

As new monsters or bosses are added to the game, with them likely comes new best in slot gear, weapons, armor etc. This fact inherently makes older pvm content easier for example giant mole, daganoth kings, godwars dungeon much easier. This is a side effect of game growth and expansion. Older bosses will be easier to kill with newer weaponry. Twisted bow decimates mole, prime, and zilyana.

I propose that you think about different opportunities to nerf the blowpipe since you wont listen to community about polling.

What about making new zulrah unique darts for the blowpipe? Players could still use bronze to dragon but these new attachment to darts could be added to any tier of metal dart and would render the dart untradeable similar to cannonballs with granite dust?

What about adding a new type of monster defence and weakness? This would open a whole new world of combat items while making some items best in slot for some bosses and not so great at others?

What if you made the blowpipe only use one type of dart droppable by zulrah and create a brand new weapon from higher level content in the future that uses the metal darts? This would control the dps output from the blowpipe.

As an iron who just got their blowpipe this month with over 2000 hours playtime... this hurts. I need my blowpipe to go to raids, do hydra to get my claw etc.

I was using the rune crossbow with ruby bolts at hydra until now and my kill counts were 4-5 mins. Now i have blowpipe and my kills are 2-3 min range. This will increase the length of my hydra grind significantly....

I really dont understand why youre so adamant about changing the stats of our favorite items when you have still not fixed the botting and gold farming issues!!! Botting and gold farming are destroying this game!!!

26-Jan-2021 21:46:45

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