Plz just please don't do this, for those who spend a lot of hours time and effort a lot of these buffs hurt more than help any. This is a game from my childhood when y'all changed it the last time I quit many many many players quit, this community needs to be heard I'm a pvm player with many hours under my belt hell I pay for a year at a time, the blowpipe debuff is unrealistic I ask and I beg of you to read through all these posts on this form this is going to hurt this game and the community this is not going to help at all, mid-level players will suffer for this including lower and higher. To take away the people's vote and implement these new changes is a bad idea. This is not what the game was founded on and in my opinion and as I read others you're changing the game in the wrong direction, this is a slippery slope with no handles to grab onto on the way down, you're making a mockery of the time and effort of hundreds and hundreds of players. Do I believe that there needs to be a diversity of armors used of weapons used yes I do. But that should be my choice that should be the people's choice not your choice. There's 101 other things that need to be fixed other than what you have proposed such as taking bots out of the game in a more efficient way, do something about the damn hellhounds!!! The crappiest task that cost you and yet one of the most given in the game! How about the scammers let's try taking the scammers out, the gold Farmers how about them? duplication destroying the economy hmmmm..... Etc etc etc. Please for the love of RuneScape please don't destroy this game, it would be the equivalent of destroying lives if you think about it, once time spent cannot be gained back. Oh! How about making free to play more enticing to new players, let's try making it better for the players, not harder for us to see this as a second type of life, as one stated one cannot quit this game only AFK and if AFK for life.... We become dead content, and so does RuneScape
You never really quit RuneScape, your only AFK for now. See u soon!
22-Jan-2021 03:02:16