Absolutely love playing trailblazer so far. I chose treasure seeker. Reading through comments I can see both sides, but I am entirely against the change.
Proposed compromise: at least remove all zeah steps (as was said weeks ago)
It was made very clear from the beginning that clue steps would be restricted by region and that would make them more difficult to complete compared to twisted league. This was probably taken into account when balancing the task points. Changing this would be a huge change that Jagex has said they would not do during the middle of a limited time competitive game mode.
People cite the number of clues received by treasure seeker vs. unnatural selection (U.S.) relics. The true benefits of treasure seeker come in 1) many clues, 2) stackable, 3) fewest possible steps. This makes it infinitely easier to save up and juggle clues to be able to complete them much more likely, depending on what regions you have. Even like 30% completion is fine when hundreds in the bank. As of posting this no one has completed a master. I guarantee you (without the proposed change) I will be able to complete multiple master clues by the end by saving up many and juggling. The treasure seeker relic allows things with clue scrolls which are not possible with U.S.: this is why I picked to have access to those tasks. It is fine because U.S. is very strong for slayer/bossing.
It is also worth note there is strategy in what regions people pick regarding clues (at least a little). For example, asgarnia is great for beginner/easy clues, kandarin is pretty essential, wilderness is great for hard+ clues, tiranwn has hardly any steps, etc. By making a change that limits to your regions you not only retroactively nerf relics, but also regions that people can't re-pick. You could also have abuse cases of people restricting regions to easily solve clues.
This change would improve QOL for everyone, but objectively nerf treasure seeker by making clues easier for everyone.
12-Nov-2020 16:30:34