yay! some sort of soulwars blog!
oh no! you mentioned making changes...
So, I'm genuinely curious as to why you want to make these changes:
1 - having games run concurrently.
> Isn't this why there will be multiple soulwars themed worlds? Having games running concurrently makes it harder/impossible to play with your freinds/team, and in my humble opinion you should be able to have a team in a team game..
2 - upper cap of 60 players.
> yes.. but why is this necessary? if players dislike crowded games, make more theme worlds so players are spread across worlds (this is how it used to be).
3 - Games last 10minutes.
> If soulwars is implemented as it was previously, then having a shorter game isn't necessarily a good thing, you've already suggested ending games early if player count drops (players leaving game early etc due to loss), but if players are still in the game then they're most likely still trying to win and/or tie the game. Just look at current Castlewars games to know that the score can/does/will change in the last 5mins of a 20min game.
4 - No slayer req.
> But why? It was a part of the soulwars mechanic/game design that the creatures had a slayer requirement. If a team wanted to hurt the avatar, then enough souls had to be placed into the obelisk to lower the slayer req of the avatar. As a team, you either needed players with high slayer levels, or be able to place enough souls in the obelisk to lower the slayer req. Perhaps the NPCs that drop souls can be changed to be low slay req creatures? But then jellies at 55slayer req (I tihnk?) wasn't all that high anyway.
5 - Game ends if player count drops below 50% of starting count.
> In theory this is a good idea, but leaves the system open to manipulation to deliberatly end games early, I'd encourage a thorough look into how this could be implemented without possible game manipulation taking place.
Those 5 changes don't seem to be for balance, but because you want to. The rest seem good!
02-Oct-2020 19:23:42