sooooo shiny
i still wanna know what happened to our trading soloution!?! did it not pass?? are you working on it?!?
A simple trading post passed, yes. It'll need a fair bit of work from the Engine team, who are currently busy on other projects. When they've given us their side of the job, we'll have a better idea of when we can expect to finish our side of the job.
Kyler Moss said :
The only concern I have with this is that people who don't read the dev blogs will be voting on issues. If their not voting on the website, then its more than likely their not on the forums reading in-depth.
Could be, yeah. On the other hand, from the conversations we've seen on the forums, that's been happening already. There's currently no way for us to post links from the poll webpages to the dev blogs to encourage people to read the blogs, whereas if we can get a poll form inside the game applet, we'll be able to post links. So it might cut both ways.
Shhakezula1 said :
This is called Old School Runescape for a reason right? I think we should leave as many aspects of it the way they originally were, the more in-game features we add in every poll the more it'll all be cluttered up like RS3 is...
I don't recall there being guaranteed content polls every few weeks back in 2007. In fact most of the polls in the early days were more like trivia surveys - there'd have been no use for in-game polls back then. So I don't agree that we should avoid in-game polls now just because they didn't exist in 2007; it's not like we're going to stop doing polled updates just because the community wasn't consulted in 2007.
Darkhemming said :
I'm so glad you didn't post a question offering to lower the percent needed to pass - I feel that 75% is already too low for changes to the game to be made.
It's a high-profile topic... but not one for this blog
i still wanna know what happened to our trading soloution!?! did it not pass?? are you working on it?!?
A simple trading post passed, yes. It'll need a fair bit of work from the Engine team, who are currently busy on other projects. When they've given us their side of the job, we'll have a better idea of when we can expect to finish our side of the job.
Kyler Moss said :
The only concern I have with this is that people who don't read the dev blogs will be voting on issues. If their not voting on the website, then its more than likely their not on the forums reading in-depth.
Could be, yeah. On the other hand, from the conversations we've seen on the forums, that's been happening already. There's currently no way for us to post links from the poll webpages to the dev blogs to encourage people to read the blogs, whereas if we can get a poll form inside the game applet, we'll be able to post links. So it might cut both ways.
Shhakezula1 said :
This is called Old School Runescape for a reason right? I think we should leave as many aspects of it the way they originally were, the more in-game features we add in every poll the more it'll all be cluttered up like RS3 is...
I don't recall there being guaranteed content polls every few weeks back in 2007. In fact most of the polls in the early days were more like trivia surveys - there'd have been no use for in-game polls back then. So I don't agree that we should avoid in-game polls now just because they didn't exist in 2007; it's not like we're going to stop doing polled updates just because the community wasn't consulted in 2007.
Darkhemming said :
I'm so glad you didn't post a question offering to lower the percent needed to pass - I feel that 75% is already too low for changes to the game to be made.
It's a high-profile topic... but not one for this blog

30-Jul-2014 21:53:09