(Part 2)
- Soapstones are an interesting concept, and I like the idea of having the process being multiple steps that incorporate numerous skills. The idea of having it be purchasable, along with every other aspect of this skill, makes me fearful that training this skill will become based on wealth, much like Construction. However, possible solutions to that are difficult to conjure, as making the raw materials untradeable would turn the skill into an incredible grind. If soapstones are used, should they not match the monoliths in scale? Having the four elemental runes but having numerous monoliths doesn't make sense at the moment, unless every "drawing" of Wards is based upon a specific type/combo of elemental runes. What I mean is, how does Chaos energy work with an elemental ward drawing to create Zamorak robes?
- Dissolving. It seems people have glossed over an important detail of this, and that is the fact that the act of dissolving does not guarantee full-resources returned. In the example given, if an adamant platebody is dissolved, there is a *chance* that *some* materials will be returned, meaning adamant bars. If that is the case: why would anyone ever use this? What would be the motivation of dissolving something, if the end result is Runic energy (which can be gathered elsewhere/in greater quantities presumably) and the *chance* of a partial return? If anything it seems to be an enormous loss of money for those who utilize it, regardless of whether they bought the item or got it as a drop (spent money vs lost potential money from selling the item). Should dissolving be Runic energy with a guaranteed return of partial resources, then I can see the argument. I'm not entirely sure how Invention works on RS3, but I have heard it "saved" the economy there, and this appears to be a similar feature. I'd like to see more explanation and discussion about this feature.
- The imbuing option is fantastic, and I think lends itself to a larger concept of Warding.
07-Oct-2018 00:51:36