Personally I am quite against the untradables being dropped on death, as it completely devalues ornament kits on ironman. As for the fee to pay for your items back, it doesn't feel right coming from an ironman perspective where you aren't involved in the economy in any way. Why should the market price of items cause me to have to pay more to pick them up after I die? If I can't buy things back from the GE then why should I be treated as if I can??
This gravestone update seems pretty crappy for ironmen and doesn't make a lot of sense. A lot of hours go into these solo accounts and suddenly this changes a lot of goals and achievements previously obtained on these accounts (such as grinding for ornament kits to keep rare items on death, rune pouch no longer staying with you so you can teleport back to your death location, etc).
One redeeming quality of this update however, is that death in an instance still allows you to retrieve items after (which I agree, for a price is reasonable).
I dc'ed at skotizo last week and had a heart attack when I thought I would lose my unprotected fire cape. Due to the untradables kept on death mechanic, that didn't happen. I don't want to see that mechanic change, as all untradables that were previously quite useful for that very purpose are now going down in value tremendously (not gp value, but value in time commitment to obtain).
I can deal with paying 50k on death, but dont make me pay for my untradables back.
If anyone agrees/disagrees with me please feel free to comment too.
29-Jun-2018 11:56:52