RE: Death mechanics
The biggest concern I have is how death while looting a gravestone is dealt with. It seems a bit harsh to potentially trap players in a death loop where they can only loot a few items at a time, so it would be good to see a solution for this (maybe giving gravestones an immunity circle similar to fairy rings - no damage in or out, or gravestones appear only in safe areas, or similar to the RS3 style).
Another risk with the 20 min gravestone system is deterring players from trying new things, especially new bosses. RS3 handles this well with practice mode (no risk but also no drops) which allows players to experiment whatever their situation, otherwise new high end bosses will only be accessible to the wealthy who can afford to risk better gear, leading to greater concentration of wealth. This is definitely manageable by allowing players to loot without risk of recurring death, and by capping the death fee though.
I think ultimately for me and many others, gold is seen as a resource to consume whereas gear is something that you incrementally upgrade, so I find a gold sink is more fitting than the potential to be forced back to lower level content due to losing high level gear somewhere it's necessary. It's not reasonable to assume that everyone can just git gud and what makes this game so enjoyable to me is being able to push myself by trying content I find difficult so I can improve my skills. The worst thing would be to try a new boss once, lose all my stuff then have to grind for weeks just to get a chance to go back to that boss a second time.
28-Jun-2018 16:55:19