As someone who voted NO for the lamp, let me explain to you why NO is the only intelligent choice... Here is some warm up logic beforehand that explains the point.
Q: What happens when you remove the rareness of rare party hats?
A: They become worthless... See Old School for details.
Q: Should Ironmen be able to remove status for a short period of time?
A: No, it would defeat the entire point of Ironman
Q: 'What makes a lvl 3 pure skiller a meaningful account?'
A: The fact that you can't get any levels in combat, and if you mess up it's done. If you remove that fact it's worthless... you demean everything that it stands for.
Therefore lamps are stupid because it cheapens all the effort LEGITIMATE pures and skills have put into it. Same as Buying gold, double xp days, and everything else that allows illegitimate players to be on the same standing as real players.
I was here before falador...
23-Nov-2017 14:58:46
- Last edited on
23-Nov-2017 14:59:53