Last week's Bounty Hunter developer blog gave us a great amount of insight into what it is that you want from Bounty Hunter, as did the feedback after yesterday's dev blog. This is a revised version of our last proposal for Bounty Hunter.


By implementing the BH mechanics into the Wilderness we hope to drive more players into the PVP areas. Players will be able to take part in Bounty Hunter when in the wild and if they do not, the Wilderness will behave just as it always has. With the addition of the 50k lower limit for entering the Wilderness we should see a reduction in accounts griefing and ragging which in turn will encourage more people to PK in this location.
After the release of Bounty Hunter we would monitor how the wilderness, PvP and Bounty Hunter interact and poll any changes we think will improve the activity.
Entering the wilderness
In order to make sure that the players being hunted are nice and rewarding you will have to risk at least 50k in alch value in order to enter the wilderness on a Bounty Hunter world.
Being assigned a target
In order to be assigned a target a player must be in the wilderness for at least 10 minutes and they will then be assigned a target within 10 combat levels of their own.
Killing your target
Once you have been assigned a player to take out you will see an arrow on the minimap pointing to their location for as long as they are in the wilderness. In addition to this Bounty Hunters will be able to see a coloured skull above their target's head that gives an idea of how much they are risking.

For every target that you kill you will receive an added point to your Bounty Hunter Rating. In the future we hope to release a Bounty Hunter Rating section to the Old School hiscores, however this will not be possible alongside the initial release of Bounty Hunter.
Non tradeable items
If you lose a non-tradeable item when you are in one of these worlds, they will drop as gold. This will help to make PKing in these worlds even more profitable.
Bounty Hunter incentives
At this point in time we believe that if we include bonus loots or added incentives to Bounty Hunter it will not pass the poll. The mention of giving PKers extra loots as an incentive to PK is one that many players would likely not want to see, and as a result you would miss out on an excellent gameplay mechanic that many players would enjoy.
If this form of Bounty Hunter passes the poll we would take note of the players' reaction to it after the release and, if the demand is there, poll the possibility of incentives being added to Bounty Hunter.
Once people have a better understand of the system and see how it could serve to boost PvP activity we can make sure we poll the right incentive for you. It is also entirely possible that with the release of Bounty Hunter players make use of the activity and keep it consistently populated with PKers holding at least 50k and, as a result, find themselves making more money from PKing anyway.
Mods Alfred, Ash, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan & Weath
The Old School Team

17-Jul-2014 14:02:31 - Last edited on 17-Jul-2014 14:58:50 by Mod Ronan