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Make it so you will find a target faster if you are deeper in the wilderness (maybe like at least level 5 wild) otherwise people will just hug the edge of the wilderness.
Also, this really does sound pointless to me if you aren't going to add good rewards. Make sure to poll each reward separately though.
Lastly, please, please, please start updating dead content instead of adding more content every week. (Temple Trekking, Shades of Mort'ton, Trouble Brewing, Ents at wild (give them xp), remove monsters pjing us, etc..
Did you really just compare the importance of updating the wilderness to be active, to updating Temple Trekking, Shades of Mort'ton and Trouble Brewing?
Hahahahaha, you're on the wrong thread dude.
17-Jul-2014 17:05:23