
Dev Blog: Bounty Hunter

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Deceive U

Deceive U

Posts: 81 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think there should only be 1 or 2 BH worlds (+1/non+1)
Totally remove the PvP worlds to make pkers be forced into using/utilising the wilderness on BH worlds if they want to profit while pking,
also to keep pkers congregated on one/two worlds would make target pking + multi alot better considering such a small player base currently.

If a BH/EP system would come into place I am sure many people would want full loot + Rewards for Gaining EP/Target (statues/statius ect)

Brawlers -

Introduce these as loot and add extra content into the wilderness so all forms of skilling while using brawlers can be maximised.

Another alternative would be for every target killed you got full loot while also gained points which would go towards buying valuable pking items e.g (statius/vesta/morrigans/zuriels).
If the target logged/sat in safe zone for more than 10 minutes you would be given points for it and assigned a new target.

If you were to lose None trade able item on death e.g Void/Bgloves/Torso/Fcape give them a cash reward value, this would reduce the amount of people using items as an "op" method while risking nothing/less.

PJ TIMER - the PJ timer implemented into PvP worlds currently does not support team pking only those who wish to 1v1, If you were to introduce "Bh worlds" I would strongly advise that you stick to the current wilderness PJ timer to support single team pking.

~ Rureadytodie
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored.

12-Jul-2014 17:44:23 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2014 17:46:32 by Deceive U

Rej ect
Sep Member 2023

Rej ect

Posts: 48 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In my opinion I don't like bounty hunter craters. expecially if it was to be a multi crater. Easy Clan pick offs for free loot by camping enterances. Now I think that a bounty world would be nice and have the whole wilderness to pk. So that way people that like multi-pking better can do as they wish, and people who like single fights can also do as they wish. I also personally think there should be an E.P. system as in the old pvp worlds/bounty hunter. The way the E.P. system should be set up though is not that when you are 0% E.P. you get a Steel Axe when killing full bandos skulled. It should be a combination to which you get what they were wearing/inventory and a little extra depending on E.P. So you have a chance at a little more loot. Little more loot makes pkers very happy, as in me! So No Craters, Full wildy please!

12-Jul-2014 18:18:25



Posts: 2,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I thought, as a long time player since 07 till now. Clearly with some breaks here and there. To share my opinion about this topic. A professional opinion I would add. Making out the points for this topic. Why bounty hunter worlds was so successful and the reason pvp was the most active it ever was. Personally the most fun I ever had playing Runescape in all my years.

I personally can't say how BHW should be added in. It would be easy to just say. Just add BHW but that wouldn't be helping. You'd either have to add it to one or two certain worlds for the wilderness. Which is the choice I'd make or simple add it to pvp worlds. Make it optional? That's another thing to consider. Depending how the players want it in.

Their will clearly be penalties like before. If staying in a safe zone for to long. You will loss your target. Forced to wait awhile again for another. Other penalties would also be involved.

If their was a loot potential system. Another thing that could effect the 07 community. I for one don't care for, I in fact welcome it. The loot potential system that is. Its a good way of filtering items out of the game. Keeping the price steady for many items used in pvp. You loss one item and in return gain something else.
Something that is worth of value hopefully. Most likely alchable or a descent amount of coins, like statues before.

This is another thing to entice players to hunt bounty hunter targets. The likely hood of better rewards and the ability. To receive much rarer rewards. Like pvp armors/weapons and brawlers. I will not go in to detail about this area of topic. I over all believe these things wouldn't effect the pvp realm in a bad way, I will state.
For those living in the past. Keep doing so, its not my problem your ignorant.

12-Jul-2014 19:11:55



Posts: 2,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So why do people like BHW?

Every one and any one could make money. You didn't need to risk half your bank to do so. The potential to receive pvp weapons/armors and brawlers alike and lots of coin/loot. Both enticed Pvpers and Skillers. High levels and low levels alike. It didn't matter if you were in 50 wilderness or 1. As long as you killed some one, who

You had the potential to make money one way or another. It didn't matter if you killed your target. So you had the potential to explore the rest of the wilderness at
the same time. With little risk, worrying about wasting your time. As long as you found some one else which you most likely would. It was worth all the while.

Like with many aspects of Runescape, one benefits the other. Multi pking thrived in this community. For many reasons, as explained before. It was the most active Multi pking ever was. And Yes, welfairing was quite common with one iteming. Like the notorious jaja open cc's. At times it could be bothersome. But over all, it was a lot more fun killing them then worrying about loot.

These are things that tip the scales of whats good and bad. There was actually people to kill, almost all the time. With the help of locations like OldBh, Guthix Minigame Cave and Clanwars. With the ability to teleport in to the wilderness with ancient magics. With potential loot in most cases. With little worry in mind. Made this inter prize so prosperous.

If it was ever to be as prosperous as it was before, if added in. There isn't much that should be changed. To risk ruining BHW for the worst. Times change but people don't. What we really want is all our own opinion. I only state what made it so successful. Those reasons behide it and why every one benefited from it. Why every one could enjoy it and why it still burns with a passion in my heart.

12-Jul-2014 19:12:03



Posts: 79 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trust me developers, a crater sort of bh, with maybe additional alterations ? is the best for majority of pkers****-wrolds are absolutely pointless.

maybe a bh reward shop ?

Anyways these osrs developers do actually want this game to succeed so im sure they will pick the right choice

12-Jul-2014 20:00:38

male tears

male tears

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Sorry was anyone actually their when BH came out? People hated it compared to the previous wildy system, it was one the key beginnings to the long of chain of mistakes by Jagex that lead to EoC.

I was there ever since Hunter was released in 2006, and yes, I loved Bounty Hunter craters but not BH worlds. The only reason why people hated the craters is because it (mistakenly) replaced the entire wilderness, and I agree it did have the flaw of being completely biased towards the max levels inside the crater (50-something in low, 100-something in medium, 126 in high) but hopefully they'd be able to rework that target system if they did add BH craters.

For your claim of "one of the key beginnings to EoC" I would argue that the RSHD (introducing resizeable, fullscreen, and stupid-looking graphics/animations) update in 2008 was a much bigger cause.

12-Jul-2014 20:03:41 - Last edited on 12-Jul-2014 20:05:37 by male tears



Posts: 79 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trust me developers, a crater sort of bh, with maybe additional alterations ? is the best for majority of pkers****-wrolds are absolutely pointless.

maybe a bh reward shop ?

Anyways these osrs developers do actually want this game to succeed so im sure they will pick the right choice

12-Jul-2014 20:05:59

Ole Johann
Dec Member 2023

Ole Johann

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Also, for the hundredth time, there was no free trade back then, so EP was the only way you could get a drop. Now that free trade is back EP would mean ADDITIONAL loot along with whatever you pk off the person you kill. Don't act like that is something you wouldn't like.

That is definitely not something I would like. I dont want to see the economy being ****** up so badly again. Also, Pking isn't about profit, its about the thrill and excitement.

The mods have already stated we wont be getting additional loots, so worlds would just be the regular wilderness where you occacionally get an arrow pointing at someone that you should kill. Whetever you kill him or not, it makes no difference.

Craters would be something new and unique compared to PvP worlds and the wilderness.

12-Jul-2014 21:08:11

The Champion
Jan Member 2024

The Champion

Posts: 56 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Couple of simple steps:
1. Remove PvP worlds to prevent small pk community from splitting even more.
2. Add 1-2 bounty hunter worlds
3. Keep the normal loot from pk's
4. Allow people to get target within 20minutes of staying with risk in wildy.
5. Add earned potential to be used as a bonus loot determinant when killing targets only (higher the EP, better the bonus loot. 100% EP takes 1hour 20mins)
6. Bonus loot : Brawlers, PvP armors, and statuettes (but the best one should be maximum 1m)
7. Add brawlers back to be used in bounty hunter world as an activity to do while gaining EP.
8. Improve the wildy rejuvenation (like mammoths and druids)
9. Have a rank system on hiscores perhaps with cool looking capes and emotes to top 10 pkers!
10. Have the anti pjer system like PvP worlds have so we can solo fight in peace.

NOTE: Read carefully, you can only get bonus loot from target kills.

12-Jul-2014 22:25:17

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