: I think the best way to re-implament the mechanics of Bounty Hunter back into the wilderness would be through
Bounty Hunter Worlds
. Player would spend time in the wilderness and gain target potential while carrying a reasonable risk, thus forcing players to exercise all parts of the wilderness instead of congregating around a crater. By requiring players to stay in a hot zone to gain target potential, players will spend time killing the new wildy bosses or spend time fishing, or collecting resources, or even just fighting random players. The point I'm trying to make here is that if you (JAGEX) implement the Bounty Hunter crater, the community will be going backwards, the player in OSRS don't want new content, they want content that enhances the aspects of the game that everyone originally fell in love with. Going full circle in my plea for
Bounty Hunter Worlds
, what really made me fall in love with pkng (and really RS as a whole) from 09-11 was
the sense of community
in the pk worlds (W18) that was nurtured by spending countless hours in the wilderness waiting for targets and fighting off random pkers. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope my feedback was of any help.
10-Jul-2014 23:11:23