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My best ideas of saving the pking community would be as followed :
1. To prevent raggers and looters, you should only be able to step foot in a pvp area if you're risking a minimum of 50k or whatever the jagex mods decide.
I have to disagree with this. Making people not able to rag or loot will just decrease the number of players in PVP areas. In fact, I think ragging and looting should be encouraged to get as many players into PVP areas as possible, if you want PVP areas to be full.
I'm perfectly fine with PVP areas being empty personally, but I would think people who want PVP areas active would be encouraging more players to go in these areas not trying to discourage people from entering by forcing more risk than they are comfortable with.
Jagex made the EOC wild more dangerous, and tried to make a mini game with a lot of risk required, and those areas are empty now, because there was too much risk for the casual player who is not an expert at PKing and not comfortable with a lot of risk.
You really have to consider the players who rarely or almost never PK and who are not comfortable with risk, and make the PVP areas appealing to them if you want the areas to fill up with people.
Once you get the raggers and looters feeling comfortable and picking up a little gains, the more dedicated PKers will come in after, but try to keep the raggers and looters and casual explorers out and the PVP areas will likely be empty like they are in EOC where the risk is too great and the reward too little for no casual player who doesn't normally PK.
09-Jul-2014 20:46:11