Artisan points
So after each task we get artisan points, but the things we can use those points on seem extremely limited. I think that it needs several consumeable-style things to spend the points on. Otherwise after we perfect our task/skill list, our points will just sit there and rot. On top of that, the artisan clothing will be helping us to get even more points. We need more things to spend them on.
Fish Fillets
I like the idea of these, but honestly adding herbs to fish does not sound like something I would ever do for just a "chance" at getting a benefit. I would feel like I was wasting the herbs, when I could have just made potions with them in the first place.
Artisan Tools
I have a problem with the expert's harpoon in particular because we have an item that does exactly that already -- the barb-tail harpoon. I believe the expert's harpoon should either be removed, or it should require a barb-tail harpoon to make and thus be an upgrade to it in some way.
20-Jul-2014 17:45:31