I love it! I can't wait for the carvings, totems, bracelets and clothing. The boosts from carvings are mild and may not be worth the time spent acquiring the items for the boosts, but I think that they add an awesome twist that will make resource gathering more fun and more competitive.
For totems, I think that allotment teleport should have a lower level requirement than fruit trees or tree totems. I may be incorrect but I feel that allotments aren't used much after trees or expensive herbs can be grown. I would even suggest that allotment teleport totems be replaced with herb patch teleports.
Do bonuses to your RC level from the Esoteric set stack? Do the Artisan XP and point boosts from the Artisan, Master and Expert outfits stack? Do they stack across sets, or will boosts only stack, say, from the highest level outfit you're wearing?
ex) Player Z is wearing full Expert. If Player Z were to equip Master crafter's boots, and Artisan gloves, would all of the point and Xp bonuses be stacked, or would the bonuses from the Master crafter's clothing only be counted?
My final remark is that I cannot see a purpose for the Bowyer's set. I'm sure there's a good reason; I just haven't thought of it yet.
12-Jul-2014 22:33:45