Fish Fillets
So... we use a herb on a fish which could otherwise be used to make a 3-dose potion to have a *chance* at getting a one-off effect? That's dead content. Make it guaranteed. At least then Torstol will have a benefit, albeit small.
Does not seem worth it, especially for runite mining. What kind of *chance* would it have?
Artisan Tools
The bird nest/gem boost seems a little O* considering we can combine the two tools with no combat requirements.
The three top totems don't seem useful at all. Make totems higher-leveled (levels 60-90 instead of 1-90). The benefits seem too rewarding at the current levels.
2H Crossbows
Remove these and instead replace it with longbow sights. Why create new content when you have an opportunity to replace dead content?
Slow Burners
Give it a benefit to cooking (lower burn rates), otherwise this is dead content in my eyes. People will continue to use Rogue's Den for cooking.
Combining Runes
Teleport runes devalue teletabs, replace them with something else like Vengeance Runes. Lower the cost of making them all to 1 pure essence + the runes required to cast the spell normally.
Construction Shortcuts
Depends on how long they last, but seems like this has potential.
Skilling bracelets
Seems good to me.
Quartz Figurines
No. Just no.
Get rid of cosmetics (useless clutter), Magic robes (simply don't need), Bowyer outfit (why is this even in there), and Esoteric (devalues the hard efforts of runecrafters)
10-Jul-2014 21:52:15