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Exactly what "xx**coxx" said. "Kaain You're talking jibberish when you say "people are butthurt, people don't want the game to change at all, and I don't like doing the same skill for hours on end." That's what Runescape is!!!!! Sitting here for hours on end!!!! What you guys are proposing is nothing other than jibberish. Have you not read what the new runes are? Their a joke! We do not need these new items. We do not need another "slayer" skill for non-combat skills. That is just pathetic. 13 year old kids complaining. I am not complaining, I am supporting Runescape 2007 and this update makes it no longer Runescape 2007, it's pretty borderline already. It's quite obvious.
That mentality is just as stupid as this skill. Thinking of this server as 07 scape is the dumbest thing ever and jagex should blast the dude who came up with the name. Its runescape V2. The chance to do everything they ****** up right.
"I've been playing since 2006 but jagex made me quit 11/20/2013"
10-Jul-2014 22:16:22