Fish Fillets
I never use my guams and the time spent finding a buyer is not worth it. If we had a GE I would dump it on there (I'm not saying I want a GE). As OSRS favours a more "get your own items" attitude, these fillets will make some herbs have a use for me. If I have some spare guam, I'll just add it to the fillet. But I think the effect needs to be 100%: the marrentill fillet needs to cure poison 100% otherwise I won't use it. Perhaps make it so you have a CHANCE of making the herb fillet, but the effect is 100%? Why would I use a lantadyme fillet if it only gives me a chance at dragonfire resistance? A potion uses lantadyme and gives me 100% chance at resistance.
No thanks. This just directly adds more ores to the game - lazy way to make a useful Artisan reward imo.
Artisan Tools
The harpoon and novice hammer seem cool. Personally I've never made a lot of money off nests and gems so I think boosting their chances would be fine. I'm glad the dragon hatchet and pickaxe won't be devalued.
I don't think WC makes great money so the woodcutting totem seems fine. Most of the other ones seem minor or useless, but I can concerned about others:
* Woodcutting totem: Seems fine as WC isn't that great of a money maker
* River totem: Ok
* Cooking totem: Ok as we already have no-burn levels and Cooking Gauntlets
* Regrowth totem: Ok
* Crafting totem: Useless, thread and needle is so cheap and this totem is temporary
* Sea totem: Ok
* Farming totem: Ok, allotments could use a cash boost
* Smithing totem: Hmm depends. Will it save a ton of coal during addy/rune bar smithing? I'm not sure how this will impact bar smithing for cash.
* Healing totem: Ok
* Hunting totem: Red chins are great cash already, so no thanks
* Herb totem: Herb farming is really profitable already, so no thanks
11-Jul-2014 01:16:48