
Dev blog: Artisan

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Mar Member 2014


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Why are you being so ignorant? Obviously the entire team can't all be working on the trade solution. I'm assuming one person is writing code and trying to implement the in-game trade solution. Why? Because its much easier to write code when you don't have someone breathing over your shoulder or giving advice not knowing what you have in mind!

Moreover, the fact you think it will fail is simply your opinion. I fail to see your logic. What I do know if that your negativity will also bring about negative impacts. If you want the trade solution to work then try to have a little faith and don't put it down before you've tried it. Oh, and try it with an open mind otherwise you'll hate it even if it's awesome.

Someone holding views that aren't yours certainly doesn't make them ignorant, so why are you being so ignorant? :D

Further more it's been stated already we already have to vie for engine team time, so why stretch that time thin with two updates when we haven't even finished one? I don't get where your breathing down the shoulder reference comes from, that is irrelevant to any points I've made.

I can't help you if you can't see the logic. Please refute the three points I presented if you can. You're assuming I want the trade "solution" to work. I don't. I hate the idea of an in game zeib, the only reason I voted for it is because the future of any trade update was tied to passing that one. I'm hoping for its expedited failure so we can poll a real trade fix.

11-Jul-2014 01:10:08

Mar Member 2014


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Also what you've all failed to address so far is the initial statement I made about a straw poll. It's a very real possibility artisan will not pass no matter how many times it is tweaked. Why not hold a survey to see if it will simply be a waste of time to continue beating this possible dead horse if it won't pass a poll based simply on the root mechanic of the skill?

11-Jul-2014 01:12:19

Rain of Life

Rain of Life

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I mean, currently, there is no work being done on the trading post because the engine team is working on it. :)

So you think that an entire new skill wouldn't take any work from the engine team, or that graphical rendering couldn't be done simultaneously for when the engine work is complete?

He meant that trading solution is already fully designed (zyb clone), but Artisan is lacking a lot more. So, they can't really do anything about Trading Post atm, so they are designing Artisan. Why should they work on something they can't even do? Also I'm sure that this skill will require a lot less Engine features than Trading post will.

Too bad that this skill most likely will not pass the poll... Although I like it very much.

11-Jul-2014 01:12:50

Nov Member 2023


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If the root mechanic of the skill was so unsupported, I'm sure it would have failed the initial survey of skills. Instead, it won by a very large margin -- 43% of the vote preferring it. They are going to be polling Artisan this month, so another informal survey would be superfluous.

11-Jul-2014 01:13:30



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Fish Fillets
I never use my guams and the time spent finding a buyer is not worth it. If we had a GE I would dump it on there (I'm not saying I want a GE). As OSRS favours a more "get your own items" attitude, these fillets will make some herbs have a use for me. If I have some spare guam, I'll just add it to the fillet. But I think the effect needs to be 100%: the marrentill fillet needs to cure poison 100% otherwise I won't use it. Perhaps make it so you have a CHANCE of making the herb fillet, but the effect is 100%? Why would I use a lantadyme fillet if it only gives me a chance at dragonfire resistance? A potion uses lantadyme and gives me 100% chance at resistance.

No thanks. This just directly adds more ores to the game - lazy way to make a useful Artisan reward imo.

Artisan Tools
The harpoon and novice hammer seem cool. Personally I've never made a lot of money off nests and gems so I think boosting their chances would be fine. I'm glad the dragon hatchet and pickaxe won't be devalued.

I don't think WC makes great money so the woodcutting totem seems fine. Most of the other ones seem minor or useless, but I can concerned about others:
* Woodcutting totem: Seems fine as WC isn't that great of a money maker
* River totem: Ok
* Cooking totem: Ok as we already have no-burn levels and Cooking Gauntlets
* Regrowth totem: Ok
* Crafting totem: Useless, thread and needle is so cheap and this totem is temporary
* Sea totem: Ok
* Farming totem: Ok, allotments could use a cash boost
* Smithing totem: Hmm depends. Will it save a ton of coal during addy/rune bar smithing? I'm not sure how this will impact bar smithing for cash.
* Healing totem: Ok
* Hunting totem: Red chins are great cash already, so no thanks
* Herb totem: Herb farming is really profitable already, so no thanks

11-Jul-2014 01:16:48

Mar Member 2014


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I mean, currently, there is no work being done on the trading post because the engine team is working on it. :)

So you think that an entire new skill wouldn't take any work from the engine team, or that graphical rendering couldn't be done simultaneously for when the engine work is complete?

He meant that trading solution is already fully designed (zyb clone), but Artisan is lacking a lot more. So, they can't really do anything about Trading Post atm

If this is the case, I must have missed the Dev Blog saying so. Can you QFC me to it please?

11-Jul-2014 01:16:51



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* Nesting totem: Ok
* Energy totem: Who stands still? Will it be faster now to run, stand still, run, etc? Right now it's run then walk then run.
* Mining totem: Runite mining is ok cash, so no thanks
* Runecrafting totem: When people craft runes, it's usually hundreds or thousands. If the totem is temporary and takes one inventory space, then why would a person NOT buy a tiara/talisman, which is permenant?
* Fishing spot totem: Ok
* Other totems: Ok

Two handed crossbows
How will this impact 1h crossbows? Why do we need these? Is this like shortbow vs longbow? I don't think these should be locked by the Artisan skill as longbows are not.

Slow burners
Why do we need longer burning logs? Don't people use the unlimited fire at Rogue's Den or Catherby range to cook? Seems mostly useless?

Combining runes
As you can only make these on a task, this seems ok.

Construction shortcuts

Skilling bracelets
Ok if these are only for Artisan xp

Why would I use my POH workshop over the Artisan one? Figurines seem fine.

11-Jul-2014 01:17:14

Rain of Life

Rain of Life

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BTW, one thing that I find interesting, they also plan to release in-game polls. If they will poll Artisan AFTER they will release in game polls, then Artisan have a pretty big chance of passing. Because not everyone who plays OSRS even know that Polls/Dev Blogs exist. They will see "OMF NEW SKILL" vote yes.

Just a prediction.

11-Jul-2014 01:17:48

Mar Member 2014


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If the root mechanic of the skill was so unsupported, I'm sure it would have failed the initial survey of skills. Instead, it won by a very large margin -- 43% of the vote preferring it. They are going to be polling Artisan this month, so another informal survey would be superfluous.

43% is far from passing a poll, lol.

They should have done one before they even wasted time working Devblogs around it. We could have been 3 issues down the road by now.

11-Jul-2014 01:18:15



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Magic armour should NOT be made in Artisan. Production skills like Smithing and Crafting are used for melee and ranged armour. Artisan is not the same as these skills. Magic armour should be added to Crafting. Smithing = melee, Crafting = Ranged, skiller-Slayer-equivalent = Magic armour? What? The other clothing looks fine except:
* Esoteric: Nah, devalues RC level gains.
* Bowyer: The cap stores strings and the top/legs store bows? Seems like a silly idea. I know RS is fake but at least Ava's Accumulator has the whole magnet story going for it.

* How about hybrid weapons (bowswords) and armour? Artisan brings together all production skills, so this seems fitting.
* Fish fillets should give you a chance of making the herb-fillet, but the effect should be 100% once you make it.
* Slow burners should reduce the burn rate?
* Able to modify Construction hotspot items? Off the top of my head without consideration about what is overpowered:
- Should be able to cut down trees in POH garden
- Be able to search POH garden plants once a day for random seeds
- Sitting on a chair for 5 seconds or sleeping in bed heals you completely and removes poison/disease
- et*

I don't know - in my opinion we don't need Artisan and it's going to be difficult to make Artisan beneficial for skills without devaluing them. Right now it seems like this skill is grasping at random straws (combination runes, 2h crossbows, magic armour) and these things should be included in other skills. Kind of like RS3's Invention - you can combine all that Crafting/Smithing.

Mod Mat K - I know you spent ages going through feedback and trying your best to please the community. I really appreciate all the time and effort you put in. If it were me I would probably open up the "New Skill" suggestions for things which were not suggested the first time and redo the poll with 10 or so choices?

11-Jul-2014 01:18:45

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