I love the idea of having the slayer monsters divied up and moved about so that ppl aren't just stuck in Nieve's cave. Personally, I don't go there because it's too big. I like the old fashioned spots.
I also miss the steel and iron dragons that are up in the r3 snow castle above GWD to the left of the Wilderness. Is there anyway we might get something like that in osrs? It was peaceful being out in the open, in the bright snow, fighting the iron and steel dragons at that snow castle. I know it was part of a quest, can't remember which one, but can't we just have the dragons and castle maybe even though we don't have the quest? I get tired of being stuck in caves with no sunlight.
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation - Plato
02-Apr-2017 14:50:16