I really enjoy the idea of a new Solo PVM Challenge However I do not believe having a whole new cape Idea is the route to go, here are a few of my suggestions;
The Beast (Jad V2) has been cornered into the inferno by the local tzhaar and requires the adventurer to go slay it, Upon killing the beast you receive some form of degradable additive that could be linked to Runescape lore that unlocks the "Flow of the Lava" in your fire cape and allows it to upgrade to an infernal cape for a significant time.
The New armor could be catered more to skilling then combat, the tzhaar are supposed to be skilled craftsmen? maybe the armor could have a chance of boosting exp gained similar to the clay tools from stealing creations?
As this update is seen as the "Top tier" PVM CHALLENGE perhaps similar to god-wars dungeon there could be skill requirements to even reach the inferno such as 80ish agility to attempt to scale a cliff side or rune-crafting to bind lava runes into walk-able platforms across a lava river to reach the inferno
I feel some of these suggestions help the content cater to the higher leveled community while opening up an interesting area that could lead to future lore development or a possible zeah "master" diary?
ps: would be ecstatic to see our zeah favour levels being a requirement to attempt this boss
15-Mar-2017 21:12:16
- Last edited on
15-Mar-2017 21:17:27