http://services.runescape.***/m=news/bank-placeholder-feedback-changes?oldschool=1 Reading this I am really hyped of starting to play the DMM mode again. There is a few CHANGES I would do to this.
1. If you die, you get a dialogue asking which safezone you want to proceed to? (Teleport options to every single safezone existing.) With this you have to have a confirmation dialogue when u have been teleported, but only for a first teleport time.
2. Teleporting when unskulled: - GREAT UPDATE IF, you add a teleblock spell INTO ancient book!! AND 5minute COOLDOWN on it or on a player. (as boaty said, else it just stomps solo players) [https://***.youtube.***/watch?v=9gAA8c*jYjo]
3. Un-noting items: I dont agree at all with this what u guys said, but yes. Something must be done to this, it might be just a cooldown timer to unnote items, making it a decision making skill and patients skill. (TEST the optimal cooldown time CAREFULLY!)
4. Instead of pj timer or anything like that, it could be a target timer, what I mean is only 3 people can attack a switch on a same person every 5minutes, if you lose combat for more than 15-25seconds, the timer RESETS! This would kill the clanman mode and WE REALLY NEED IT!
5. Sharing the prize: Many people are driven off because only 1 person wins *10k dollar. Making people think it is super unlikely not to try and that it is clearly not worth of their time. To fix this side of the problem, we can share the major prize between 3 people and give atleast first 20 some pocket money for trying (not just *20, $50 being optimal)
And biggest of all: MAKE IT INTO THIS SEASON!!! The deadmanmode is ALREADY DEAD. only less than 10% players playing than we had at start of the season. Let this be the optimizing of deadman mode/test season of deadmanmode
16-Apr-2016 14:04:40