This is the start of something very bad for OSRS. The goal of old school runescape should be to preserve runescape, preserve the nostalgia, and for the most part, keep it playing the way it used to be back in its prime (2007-08). All these new updates coming out mirror the failures of RS3. New major city/new BIS fire cape with coming with jad2
Not to mention, Jad2 didnt even win in the polls! Jagex has explicitly said that subjects in the polls need to have at least 75% yes votes to pass. The Jad2 poll had 72.5Y/27.5N when it ended. They say that this poll system is designed to let the PLAYERS have control of the game updates. That is clearly not the case, considering they are still coming out with this horrible update regardless of the outcome. At this point, you can clearly see how much your vote matters.
I'm not saying there should be no new content, but jagex needs to seriously consider the level of change they are bringing to this game. If they keep releasing new gear like this, soon barrows/whips/bandos/arma will all be outdated and worthless like they are in RS3. Trust me, NOBODY wants that.. We want whips, we want barrows, we want granite mauls, we want dds specs, etc. By releasing new tiers of items, you are also destroying the relevancy of the items that came before them, the items that truly make OLDSCHOOL runescape great.
Jagex - People didnt come to Old School Runescape for the content, they came for the nostalgia. When this first came out, people got back on the same game they have previously played for YEARS purely for the nostalgia. Dont lose sight of what is really important for this game. It is very foolish to think that new major content is going to be what attracts your player base. Get back to the basics.
With respect
24-Jan-2016 03:31:26