Christmas & Zeah

We have a packed schedule for you this Christmas holiday. First off you can head over to Falador where Santa is waiting for you to help him defeat the Anti-Santa, help him out and you will be rewarded with a black Santa Hat and a white and red one too (not to be confused with a red and white one).
Every Wednesday and Sunday Mod Ronan will be doing community streams on our Twitch channel where you can win Santa hats, Christmas crackers and party hats. If that's not enough, follow the Old School team on Twitter for any #SantaAlerts as you'll be able to log into game and join in with events which give away the Christmas holiday items.

Once you are all Christmassed out you can start looking forward for the launch of Zeah, the new continent. In phase one, which is due in January, you will be able to explore the magnificent city of Great Kourend.
You must earn favour with the main Houses of the city to unlock their benefits, below are just some of the things you can look forward too.
Necromancy spellbook
Blast mining activity
The blood and soul rune altars
Tithe farming activity
New weapons and armour
A new race of Lizardmen to battle
- and much more.
Follow our Facebook and Twitter accounts for more information over Christmas.
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

21-Dec-2015 16:19:49 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2015 17:36:29 by Mod Mat K