Should the max cape be able to consume existing top tier capes, changing the stats of the max cape to match those of the cape which was consumed? If skill cape perks pass, it will not be possible to use the skill cape perks of the max cape after a cape has been consumed by it.
If the skill cape perks pass, I don't really see why you would want to consume any of the other top tier capes with your Max cape. Apparently it would provide all of the perks of the regular skill capes, all in one cape. Not only would that include a number of teleport locations, but also acts as a graceful cape and as an Ava's accumulator (though likely without the stats of the Ava's).
Basically, I don't see why you would want to do the following (except simply for the cosmetic change):
Max Cape (picks up arrows) + Ava's Accumulator (stats and picks up arrows) --> Ava's Max Cape (stats, can't pick up arrows)
OK, great. So now your Max Cape has the stats of Ava's Accumulator, but can't pick up arrows or teleport you to the guilds, etc. Instead of making this change, you could have simply banked your Max Cape and equipped your Ava's Accumulator. You can also say the same for the other top tier capes as well.
If you had it so that you can have all of the modified forms of the Max Cape simultaneously along with the original Max Cape, then you wouldn't run into this practicality issue. However, it would still more or less be a cosmetic update.
So Jagex: Can we get some clarification/more details on how this combining capes idea would work? It seems like I might be missing the point of it.
Overall though, I generally like the ideas in place for the skill cape perks.
21-Oct-2015 00:01:27