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The reason the main game died is because they did everything without the players consent. Every update to OSRS is polled, so "history won't repeat itself."
Just because something passes a poll doesn't mean it's for the better of the game. There is a big chunk of players here who don't even read dev blogs or details of poll questions, they just vote yes to mostly everything not considering the implications of the updates.
Also, Jagex is at least partly responsible for what is even polled, since they enable the questions to be decided on by the community. If something is OP or unbalances the game they should be responsible enough to not even poll it.
Not to mention, in cases like these, since the poll questions are vague and don't explain what the item is (without referring the voter to the forums for more details), they're misrepresenting the significance of the update. We're talking about the most powerful single handed melee weapon in the game being released, and the poll question doesn't even hint at that whatsoever.
29-Mar-2014 05:17:14
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29-Mar-2014 05:19:48