
Dev blog: New Slayer Drops Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-22-65435489

Jul Member 2012


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I like the ideas!
But 1 remark.

The Kraken Tentacle will make the abyssal whip poisonous, however the Kraken itself is not poisonous. This is a bit odd.
As you mentioned the Kraken Boss in this post, I believe it is an upcoming update.

Ideas to improve could be:
introduce both Kraken Tentacle + Kraken Tentacle (p)

The Cave Kraken will drop a regular kraken tentacle, which only raises stats.

Make the upcoming Kraken boss poisonous.
Let the boss drop both the kraken tentacle and a kraken tentacle (p).
The latter being slightly more rare, because it is stronger.

- The normal version's special attack will only bind and deal a 100% damage (just a normal hit you would do in general)

- The poisoned version's special attack will bind, deal damage (100%), and also a greater chance to poison the target. (perhaps deal a stronger poison with the same trigger rate as normal hits)

Both will obviously consume the whip after set amount of hits dealt.

This will make it more logical, as the cave kraken is not poisonous and thus drops a non-poisonous tentacle.
And in turn, the boss could be made poisonous and thus drop a poisonous variant, which only differ from the normal in that it poisons the target.
Owner of Ellie, Shrimpy & KBD pet! :D

26-Mar-2014 23:16:20

Hey Jase
Sep Member 2007

Hey Jase

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These are both very good ideas. They really surprised me.

Here are a few optional suggestions.

Kranken Tentacle.

Make it so the Kranken Tentacle
cannot be saved by the protect item prayer.
This way, IF people wanted to use the Tentacle in the wilderness they must be willing to risk 1m+. This would also give pkers an incentive to fight those who are using this powerful weapon.

Secondly, consider allowing it to be usable on other slayer items such as the trident, gmaul, and dbow. It would give these items a nice sink and raise their prices, as well as keep the Tentacle at a hefty price since it has so much use. You would just need to think of what bonuses it would give each item without making it too OP.

Lastly, instead of adding a 'str' feature, destroying the sarasword, perhaps allow the Tentacle to switch remove the lash feature, or remove the defense xp given with controlled so you only get attack and strength xp. This would be a big demand for pures, initiate pures, and berserker pures. I know a lot of people don't like pures BUT that would create a HUGE item sink without affecting the ss.

Smoke Devil.

Good drop. I approve. Consider adding a few more drops since it requires such high slayer? Perhaps barrows boots and a range amulet?

But make the range amulet rarer then the others because range is pretty OP as it is. Or don't allow the range amulet to be used with void.

Those are my 2 cents ^_^

Very good ideas, especially being able to use the tentacle on other slayer items, this will ensure that slayer remains profitable

26-Mar-2014 23:18:36

Jake 1500
Jan Member 2021

Jake 1500

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The volatile nature of the tentacle will cause it to consume the whip component after it has dealt 10000 hits, leaving you with the Kraken tentacle. Wouldn't that mean that you lose the abyssal whip after it deals 10k hits later?

26-Mar-2014 23:19:55



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The occult necklace, in my opinion is a very bad idea.
PVP will become full of people in max mage constantly hitting 38's and smiting all your prayer.

I don't think thats something old school needs. Plus we already have the staff of the dead.

But the kraken attachment drop is pretty good, would need to have some awesome, Trident of the sea's, kind of look to it.
The smoke battlestaff shouldn't be added as a main drop though, I feel like it should just get added into the game as an uncommon/rare drop for the Smoke devil boss, and possibly give that boss a little more of a reason to actually come there to kill it. Because honestly I wouldn't want to farm a boss that's best drop is a lousy battlestaff. Even if it is 400k-600k.

And like I said before, I really don't think we should add the occult necklace.
Bad idea.

I reread the blog, and It said the occult necklace would be added as a drop to both the boss and its variant. That makes me cringe even more, because they would be relatively cheap. Where as in RS3, as overpowered as the Arcane stream, burst, etc are, you still have to do Dungeoneering to attain the tokens. Which takes a lot of time at a low Dung level. People could just buy a new one for less than 500k every time they die.

26-Mar-2014 23:26:07 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2014 23:32:36 by Seroh

I Joshua I

I Joshua I

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The occult necklace, in my opinion is a very bad idea.
PVP will become full of people in max mage constantly hitting 38's and smiting all your prayer.

I don't think thats something old school needs.

But the kraken attachment drop is pretty good, would need to have some awesome, Trident of the sea's, kind of look to it.
The smoke battlestaff shouldn't be added as a main drop though, I feel like it should just get added into the game as an uncommon/rare drop for the Smoke devil boss, and possibly give that boss a little more of a reason to actually come there to kill it. Because honestly I wouldn't want to farm a boss that's best drop is a lousy battlestaff. Even if it is 400k-600k.

And like I said before, I really don't think we should add the occult necklace.
Bad idea.

Why do you hate magic so much? Range can hit well over 38's, so can melee, why can't mage???

26-Mar-2014 23:32:02

Rifleman Gen

Rifleman Gen

Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd Love to see something you can add to a dragon scimitar, or alternatively add a new 60 attack weapon. im maxing at 60 attack i think pures and customized accounts would really emjoy this.
maybe make an item requiring 60 attack and another skill requirement lets say 75 strength to wield.

26-Mar-2014 23:32:26



Posts: 3,528 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kraken Tentacle: I like this idea, but I think you should change the name of the weapon to the Kraken Whip. That seems a lot better than Abyssal Tentacle.

Smoke Battlestaff: Good.

Occult Necklace: Not completely sure about this one. This might make Magic a bit too powerful and it might not be necessary.
Long live the Wilderness. Long live risk vs reward in PVM. Long live 2006.

26-Mar-2014 23:32:37 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2014 23:37:37 by Reminiscon



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You gotta remember that this is a community driven game so the updates that we get are voted in by a majority, and the slippery slope is a massive logical fallacy unless you can actually substantiate the claim that this is going to lead to stuff like korasi and nex armours.

If you really think that way about the developers behind old school though, then maybe you should speak to Mod Reach, he's been campaigning for an old school version of the game since well before EoC and I'm sure the game is in pretty safe hands with someone like him working on it.

Unfortunately, a big chunk of the OSRS playerbase are new players who have no respect for the Old School aspect. Jagex knows this, yet they poll basically any suggestion even if it's inherently anti-old school. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. They could simply not poll certain suggestions as it would harm the integrity of the game, yet they don't. Not to mention their almost exclusive source of suggestions and poll ideas originate from the RS forums, a place known to mainly consist of new players and\or lower levels.

So the poll questions to begin with are biased towards making the game easier\bringing in new more powerful weapons, etc. Then we have a chunk of voters actually supporting these things, and another chunk simply being ignorant of the implications of such updates, and another chunk who don't even read the dev blogs but vote yes anyways. Jagex should show some discretion and be responsible when polling questions, the only criteria shouldn't be that someone suggested them. Just because a content question was approved by the community doesn't automatically make it right for the game.

And you're pointing to nex armors and korasi as an extreme example, but the previous poll was just asking if we wanted PvP armor like vestas and zuriels. Things like that may not be so crazy a while from now after more and more new armor\weapons.

26-Mar-2014 23:33:11 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2014 23:36:19 by Runite



Posts: 517 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the tentacle seems like an amazing idea since it will make whip prices balances and a sink for them. I think there should a different drop other than the amulet though becuase the amulet + staff of the dead would be too op.

26-Mar-2014 23:34:13

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