The occult necklace, in my opinion is a very bad idea.
PVP will become full of people in max mage constantly hitting 38's and smiting all your prayer.
I don't think thats something old school needs. Plus we already have the staff of the dead.
But the kraken attachment drop is pretty good, would need to have some awesome, Trident of the sea's, kind of look to it.
The smoke battlestaff shouldn't be added as a main drop though, I feel like it should just get added into the game as an uncommon/rare drop for the Smoke devil boss, and possibly give that boss a little more of a reason to actually come there to kill it. Because honestly I wouldn't want to farm a boss that's best drop is a lousy battlestaff. Even if it is 400k-600k.
And like I said before, I really don't think we should add the occult necklace.
Bad idea.
I reread the blog, and It said the occult necklace would be added as a drop to both the boss and its variant. That makes me cringe even more, because they would be relatively cheap. Where as in RS3, as overpowered as the Arcane stream, burst, etc are, you still have to do Dungeoneering to attain the tokens. Which takes a lot of time at a low Dung level. People could just buy a new one for less than 500k every time they die.
26-Mar-2014 23:26:07
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26-Mar-2014 23:32:36