
Dev Blog: Training Sailing

Quick find code: 380-381-211-65665642



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No idea if suggestions on here are still being read by the old school team but heres my idea:

Where you said:

"Underwater caverns

Large, underwater caverns will be one of the big attractions of sailing. Should you make your way to an underwater entrance, you will be able to jump off your ship to explore the randomly generated cavern containing brand new enemies and, of course, lots of potential loot."

What if the new enemies referred to here are higher level creature variants? For example, on a slayer task when you receive trolls, normally people go fight normal trolls but some go to the ice trolls on the ni*ziot island for better loots. What if you did the same for other creatures that are tasked in slayer? and give them a better drop table with more valuable resources? so then you can attach the sailing skill to your slayer tasks with an initial cost of slayer points to unlock this combination. Then your slayer master could task you with maybe different creatures to slay. For example: Cave Crawlers could now be assigned by higher slayer masters because you bought the options to be assigned sailing unlocked creatures and in a cave somewhere (via the sailing skill) you can come across level 100 Cave Crawlers that now drop rune chains or 5 noted ranaars for example. Could even have non slayer creatures like goblins and have a higher level version of them for mid level slayers to go after for slightly better loots. The reason for this is to give slayer even more variation for creatures to fight and give the creatures found through sailing a purpose and so that we see early game creatures again late game. No new special items should be added for their drop tables. Just a better drop table for a steady income. Hope this was explained properly :)

20-Aug-2015 18:22:56

Apr Member 2011


Posts: 353 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sounds like a great idea for a skill that should have been introduced years ago, but one thing it shouldn't include construction planks a new set of planks should be added for ships, posibly made through the construction skill at a work bench and should be free to create and give a small amount of construction xp, this would encourage players to create the planks for profit and a small slice of xp and as there is no real way to make money of construction just loose alot ( apart from making take tabs ) i think my idea would benefit the game more but ofcourse set the construction levels to create the planks fairly high so people will have to spend money on construction to gain this.

20-Aug-2015 20:25:40



Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have mixed feelings about this skill, also because this was an April fools joke a few years back. Runescape player since 2006. I'm 20 y/o. I live in the Netherlands, I also play League of Legends sometimes.

20-Aug-2015 21:14:14

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To make it more PVP for the people that complain. There could be something happening every so on. (Could be a random timer, to prevent people from pilling up on you).

An example would be if there was a world announcement (only to whoever is currently sailing or in ports) so it does not spam the non sailors. (Like rs3 and it's global announcement for everything).

This could be like 'X' marks the spot but on the location of the map where everyone could see as this would be a special kind of place which people will be able to fight for. As there would be huge amount of goodies that would make it for the people going there actually profitable (potentially) as you could be killed.

As I said above there would be a treasure chest to whoever *wins* that could be rewarded whether it could include the special planks (that was spoken about in page 1-2) so the ship upgrades could potentially be done faster if you attend these events.

The way it could work
To whoever is near (Or in ports) an announcement is given that they should check their maps for the location of the island that contains the goodies. As they all will be coming with ships they will be able to fight each another kinda like sea war. And if you get killed you will not be able to attend the event (to prevent people from coming back and not being able to loot the treasure with the countless hrs of fights as people will be coming back ASAP they die.) So last man/team standing will be able to loot the precious treasure!

I don't know how this idea sounds to others as we don't really know the mechanics of the skill and how it would properly work as we have to see it/test it ourselves before we could be suggestions like these. ;D

21-Aug-2015 07:58:51 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2015 08:12:38 by Mantasi

Jun Member 2023


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to raise a really good argument to all the players who are with the sailing skill.
All the sailing core ideas are already in the game in more than one way.
1-there is a minigame called fishing trawler that's already in the game where a group of players sails onto a fishing trip helping to keep the ship in good shape while the trip is going by bailing water fixing holes etc, thus sailing and fishing during sailing which is an idea some of the above comments suggested
2- the idea of building a ship a player can buy a broken ship then fix it up hire a crew and go to new land of crandor during dragon slayer quest thus sailing idea was implented once again
3-during quest cabin fever a player fixes up a ship to set sail to another new land where pirates have taken as their homeland in the quest u fight aganist a ship of enemy pirates and ur asked to fight back sinking their ship with cannons and steal their loot sound like sailing much the pvp ideas?also on that new island new monster called cavehorror was unlocked which is what the sailing skill all about fight new monsters explore new areas and acess to new items which. In this example unlocked by patchy....
And there are prolly more ideas already into the game that i dont have on my mind yet
all in all the sailing core ideas are in the game already in minigames and quests which means its not new cool idea u. Can implent all what u want from sailing in such form it won't work as a new skill cause of how the skill already is in the game since along time ago...just read this comment and think about it #osrs rules

21-Aug-2015 22:27:20

Jun Member 2006


Posts: 1,199 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The more idiocy I see against a new skill like this that has so much potential, the more I kind of want to say those voting no just for the sake of voting no should be barred from ever partaking in new content on OSRS.

If you don't want any updates, go play RSC, or better yet, if you can't/won't access that don't play RS in any form. People like those wanting to spite us yes voters should not be online to begin with if you ask me.

Give it a chance. Jagex has done some (read: lots) dumb things, but they've also done brilliant things.

If you refuse to give it a chance, go outside and allow me to break into your house and smash your computer to pieces with a baseball bat.

And yes, I am quite miffed right now, because so many players are voting no for the worst reasons possible.

The game will not grow and progress without new content. Some of you may believe Sailing isn't it and that's fine, but please for the love of Pete, do NOT vote no simply because you want a "2007 experience!" If you do, you have failed in realizing how a game like this works; it will add new content whether you like it or not.

Maybe this won't pass, who knows at this point? I see a lot of people for Sailing, but I see so many dingalings against it because they don't want anything "tainting" the OSRS experience that makes it feel like it's 2007 again. Ah, need I remind you that stuff like the Motherlode Mine, Rooftop Agility, a new Slayer Master and TONS of new monsters exist that do not in the RS3 game? As well as wilderness locations that didn't in RS3? How about repeatable-every-year tradeable rares? A new boss like Zulrah? Nightmare Zone? An achievement diary cape?

My point is that it's already not 2007-only content in the game, and no matter how much you people whine and moan, more will be added. It's just how a game survives. Get over yourselves - Sailing may be coming.

(please don't poll it Jagex, show these people what you're made of!)
Oh, I almost forgot.
Oh, I already forgot.

23-Aug-2015 15:20:45 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2015 15:34:18 by Stinkowing



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"please don't poll it Jagex, show these people what you're made of!"


Yes, 'show these people what you're made of!' just like you did in late 2012 because that worked SO WELL you only lost about 75% of your paying customers for it!

The times of 'Do not question big high war god' and "thinkers must die" is over. Get over it.

"And yes, I am quite miffed right now, because so many players are voting no for the worst reasons possible."

Here's the thing though.. they do NOT need a reason to vote no. You can call it 'the worst reasons possible' and they can call it 'the best reasons possible' but the fact of the matter is they don't have to have a reason AT ALL.

You want people to vote 'yes' to something you want.. yet you begin your 'persuasive' (rofl) argument by calling anybody voting no an idiot. Something tells me that's not going to net you any more 'yes' votes, but it's entirely possible it will net you more no votes than you could ever imagine.

How about all of y'all wanting to change people's minds.. wantin' to convince them to vote the way you want it to turn out.. simply offer why you think it deserves a yes vote (and the tired old argument of OS will die without new content don't fly because it's not like there won't ever be other new content offered; the life of this old game doesn't hang in the balance here) instead of simply insulting anybody who disagrees with you?

Food for thought..

You want it to pass, yet you're ensuring it's failure (and guaranteeing at least some spiteful voting) by insulting and name calling of those who have as much right to vote their own mind as you have to vote yours.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

23-Aug-2015 16:51:00

Shojo Dagger
Mar Member 2012

Shojo Dagger

Posts: 544 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Encounter idea: Scylla & Charybdis
What happens: Players encounter the pair & must try to sail safely between them, with a possible xp reward for successfully doing so.

Scylla & Charybdis are characters from Greek mythology.
Scylla is a multi-headed sea monster, Charybdis is a fierce whirlpool, they are positioned on opposite sides of a narrow straight.

Sail too close to Scylla & she will attack you, sail too close to Charybdis & she will destroy the ship; there is a safe course between them, but it is narrow & hard to stay on.

Stronger armaments will help players battle Scylla, while stronger hulls will help withstand Charybdis' vortex, allowing players to safely steer closer to them & widening the safe course, so that the encounter will become moderately easier as the player gains levels.

Possible xp rewards:
Sail between them without straying from the safest course -- sailing xp.
Sail a course toward Scylla & defeat her -- combat xp.
Sail a course through Charybdis' currents -- construction xp.

Combat & construction xp might be scaled to the level of danger encountered ( i.e. how close a player was able to sail to the respective monster).
Sailing xp might be scaled by how closely to the "perfect" course players kept their ship.
What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly, it's dearness only that gives everything it's value.

24-Aug-2015 03:00:02

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