I'm definitely interested as long as the skill fits and feels right. If done properly I see no reason why it would be a bad thing.
First I immediately see the planks thing as a red flag so in order to counteract this I'd say hardenedversions of the planks that you get made at the sawmill.
Secondly I'm not big on the entirety of the ship building. Left the way it is planned it would be possible to hit 99 without hitting the seas. I'm thinking that people could form fleets with their ships and send them on raids or missions. Generating resources similar to your Kingdom. Nothing too crazy.
However the selling of ships to NPC* would just allow a rinse and repeat cycle that wouldn't be fun.
Thirdly I would make all the upgrades past rune something you would need to scavenge through your adventures at sea.
This kind of update would provide the pretense to add a huge number of new creatures and places. If I'm not mistaken there were hints of an under water city years ago. Maybe a new god. More importantly though we could have creatures like megladon, giant squids, or crazier things like drakes and the Loch Ness monster. There is so much potential behind this skill and it would only work if done right. I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
20-Aug-2015 04:51:06