But don't you see that sailing WILL BE a dungeoneering-like skill, that you can train with friends, with "randomly" generated missions and islands. Stop asking for the dungeoneering skill (RS3 content) and support this skill instead, giving Jagex some feedback, so that you can get a totally new skill and unique to OSRS, with some of the things you like included (group skilling, ..). I don't understand why people keep asking for dungeoneering. It's an RS3-skill and sailing will probably (I'm almost sure) be similar to dungeoneering
- randomly generated missions and islands = floors
- training with a group or friends
- multiple other skills needed (construction, smithing, ..)
I hope this thread makes some of the dungeoneeringfans think twice before they say "no" to possibly one of the greatest updates ever.
12-Aug-2015 18:56:17