
Dev Blog: Sailing Part 2

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Eagle Eye said :
I really want this released but the communitys hard to convince they don't want any new content that makes the game better overall

Yup that is because there is no cost to them voting "No". When they vote "No" they are saying "no thanks, i do not want this update" - so we should do just that! If it passes, they should be blocked from it. You said you don't want it - so you won't get it. Fair is fair!

This new policy would really make people think deeply before voting "No" without paying attention and reading all the details.

I really doubt Sailing will pass.
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12-Aug-2015 18:50:50



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Icefire531 said :
No dumb asses we don't want this. Stop wasting dev time thinking about it. This will fail the poll guaranteed.

Will vote no if it isn't obvious already.

This sort of mentality is the exact reason we need my policy.

My policy:
Blocking no-voters from using any update that passes. You said "no i don't want it" in the poll - so we are giving you exactly what you want. Blocking you from it. And you can't complain either because you voted No.

This may seem harsh - but we currently have a very big problem with Old School updates - they are typically hard to pass the poll (the significant ones anyway). I can't think of any other solution.
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12-Aug-2015 18:53:19 - Last edited on 12-Aug-2015 18:56:12 by killedman

Jan Member 2023


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ANF1ELD said :
No thanks if it does pass its going to make more content only unlocked by sailing doesnt seem fair or will this not be the case

Not fair?? If you want access to the new areas as well, then you can train it as well. There is nothing holding you back from having a 'fair' access as well...move along.

12-Aug-2015 18:54:24



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killedman said :
Eagle Eye said :
I really want this released but the communitys hard to convince they don't want any new content that makes the game better overall

Yup that is because there is no cost to them voting "No". When they vote "No" they are saying "no thanks, i do not want this update" - so we should do just that! If it passes, they should be blocked from it. You said you don't want it - so you won't get it. Fair is fair!

This new policy would really make people think deeply before voting "No" without paying attention and reading all the details.

I really doubt Sailing will pass.

Block me baby! Hell, lets go as far as to create a world or 2 where NO UPDATES HAPPEN and block those players (the ones that play on the no update worlds) from voting at all.

I'd support that. In a New York minute.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

12-Aug-2015 18:56:17



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But don't you see that sailing WILL BE a dungeoneering-like skill, that you can train with friends, with "randomly" generated missions and islands. Stop asking for the dungeoneering skill (RS3 content) and support this skill instead, giving Jagex some feedback, so that you can get a totally new skill and unique to OSRS, with some of the things you like included (group skilling, ..). I don't understand why people keep asking for dungeoneering. It's an RS3-skill and sailing will probably (I'm almost sure) be similar to dungeoneering
- randomly generated missions and islands = floors
- training with a group or friends
- multiple other skills needed (construction, smithing, ..)

I hope this thread makes some of the dungeoneeringfans think twice before they say "no" to possibly one of the greatest updates ever.

12-Aug-2015 18:56:17

Send Backup

Send Backup

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"We have seen an awful lot of excitement coupled with an awful lot of questions", from the way I see it the majority of posts either took this so called proposed skill as a late-April fools joke or simply responded negatively towards it.
Also, responding to the part where you mention how Dung/Summoning will take OSRS to a similar path as RS3, that is not specifically true when it comes to Dung, there is a broad circle of tweaks that can be made to allow it to suit OSRS and not take a similar path as RS3. Changes can be made to the reward systems, the raiding style and its uses outside of Daemonheim (i.*. the dungeons you have access to while PvMing).
Not only does adding a skill similar to Dung save hours and hours of dev time it also does not need so much questions answered with dev blog after dev blog and countless debates on how it'll impact the economy/PvP etc. *HYPOTHETICALLY* you can add rewards similar to chaotics which are tweaked and could ONLY be used while PvMing (similar to the trident of the seas), that's just one example of how Dung can be tweaked.
Another point that I'd like to mention is that there is a huge debate going on on whether Zeah should be repolled due to the time needed for its release. If this poll fails sailing will simply be obsolete due to the continent of Gielinor constisting mostly of land.

One last thing that I hope the devs and community take to consideration, do not rush this new skill because if it were to implemented there's no going back. Remember that.

12-Aug-2015 19:03:19



Posts: 647 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Angel2D4 said :

Block me baby! Hell, lets go as far as to create a world or 2 where NO UPDATES HAPPEN and block those players (the ones that play on the no update worlds) from voting at all.

I'd support that. In a New York minute.

But don't you think it's fair? If you vote "no, i dont want this update" then by being blocked you are getting what you asked for?

It is easy to claim this policy would not affect your vote in anyway for the sake of winning the argument, but even if it truly would not affect you personally, it would make others think more deeply and read the Developer Blog about it, to ensure they won't miss out on a potentially amazing update. In the current polls, they can just assume "that sounds lame, no thanks". With the new policy, there would be a concern about possibly not having access to content so they would really research it.

I am sorry if it sounds harsh, but it's all I can think of. Do you have a solution to tackle this problem? What about a solution to tackle revenge voting? (example, you vote no for Sailing, so i make sure i vote no for Dungeoneering). The solution I have outlined would stop revenge voting too.

I am all ears for alternate solutions.
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12-Aug-2015 19:03:28



Posts: 647 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Send Backup said :

One last thing that I hope the devs and community take to consideration, do not rush this new skill because if it were to implemented there's no going back. Remember that.

I really liked your post and you gave some good points. This is valid. But equally enough, we need to not rush into dismissing and voting no on a new skill as there is also no going back.

The possibility of a new skill scares me too. I worry they may ***** up. I worry something will go wrong. Anything new (not recycled skills such as Dungeoneering) will inevitably generate anxiety among players. Sadly, I believe this will lead to them rushing to vote no, and making up their mind in advance. Even if big changes are made to the proposal, their mind is made up, and its a "No".
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Quick find code: 317-318-925-65724384

12-Aug-2015 19:07:34

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