In order for this to work correctly, you will need a companion skill.
Just as firemaking and fletching require woodcutting, as magic and cooking costs plummet with runecfrafting and fishing, farming assists with herblore, and so on, sailing will need a shipwright skill.
Because building a ship is not sailing it, building a ship should not give sailing experience. Construction is a likely landing spot, but it is already laden with objects.
Shipwrights will be able to build boats, and better shipwrights will be able to build better boats. Sailing levels would unlock the best features on each boat, because an experienced sailor would know the minor, unexpected tweaks that make a boat just a little better.
Ideally, we would be able to chop down trees (woodcutting), hew them into planks and beams (plank make or the sawmill, unless we can get ripsaw tables somewhere; beams come from the dead lands, unless, again, a home sawmill), make nails from bars, which we have made from ores we have mined, nail together some boats, seal them with caulking we have made with our crafting skills, use ropes we have spun to hoist sails we have woven, and navigate with our sextant, watch, chart and compass.
11-Aug-2015 10:30:32