The problem with this is if sailing has too much overwhelming content such as going to new places, boss fights, resource gathering etc, its going to turn into the number 1 skill to do anything and everything. Everybody will be building their own boats and sailing alone, resource gathering alone etc which will damage the social nature of the game, similar to the impact of garrisons on WoW. Also everybody is going to be forced into training sailing if for example there's a boss involved which drops some vitally good new loot. The idea is okay but skills need to be just skills, not some crazy massive mini-game like dungeoneering that has been crammed into a skill, otherwise why not just make it a mini-game. You can't compare something like sailing or dungeoneering to thieving or crafting. As it stands ill be voting no until the details are clearer and I know its not just the new skill thats gonna roll over everything in the game.
10-Aug-2015 13:53:40