Sailing rework proposals
As I said the outline Jagex staff have given is a tiny flimsy, and I really despise minigame or "random or instance" based encounters in skills, here's what I would propose.
I would make a the bulk Xp gains for levelling this skill derive from "building" - Just like the Construction skill. I would make a boat like you buy from the Dragon Slayer Quest, on an area of the docks. You must pay a fee to the "ship hand" to look after your boat and then once you have paid you can start the skill.
I would begin with basic materials like "A Wood, rickety paddle boat" made form normal planks at low levels and you add the mast, sail, make the oars etc that will get you through a few levels. The first few levels would be practically a start to skill - Similar to Construction where you simply make a few chairs in the lounge to level up.
I would move onto such things as "sturdy raft, Canoe," until you gain a few levels. Then you will acess approx level 5-7 proper boats where you can build more interesting things like "Sailing boats" with additional Cabins like Construction you purchase additional rooms, with sailing you will "build new Cabins"
I would say once you get to bigger vessels in the 10-20 skillset you will require further items like "cloth, tiles, planks, nails, Scrap metal (made from smithing skill) to add to your vessel. This will either be required for certain rooms or to build in certain "hotspots" of the ship. These Hotspots will be interactive, i.e a Telescope to spy for land - this will gain experience but can only be done every so often - cool off period. You can make navigation charts from cloth and add them on "the captains desk" and add "cabin windows" add chandeliers to the Captains quarters etc. Just like decorating a house. These items will be made from skills such as crafting, and smithing to find the resources for them
You will move onto building the galley. the "hold for all your goods for longhaul trips
08-Aug-2015 19:36:50