Its sad how many people say no to Sailing without even understanding what is being offered.
Many seem to think sailing would just be travelling from Port Sarim to Catherby or Karamja or other places they have already been, and don't realize it would open up entire new lands, resources, Slayer monsters, PVP, adventures, and exploration.
I hope if Jagex polls Sailing they make sure the people voting know what they are voting for or against. If a person thinks Sailing is just jumping on a ship and travelling to somewhere they have already been, or just a new form of transportation slower than Teleporting, then no wonder so many are saying no.
Sailing potentially opens up new islands, new continents, new resources, new monsters, new weapons and armour, new herbs new foods, new uses for existing skills, and new types of combat and ever changing adventures where you don't know what you will find each time you venture out or what island resources you might find.
The first poll question on Sailing should be to make sure players understand what sailing really offers, and not let players vote yes or no until they get the first questions right on what Sailing will be like.
08-Aug-2015 07:48:39