To be honest, I'm excited for this.
It's just sad how people's minds are nowadays.. From what I read, what everyone wants is for 2007scape to not have more updates because they want to play it like it was in 2007 and nothing else.
That's not the right thought - there would be no excitement in the game, nothing would be brand new, you alredy knew the game upside down, where's the fun in that? Nothing new to explore, nothing new to train, I don't see any fun in that..
I'm glad that the OSRS mod team is coming up with these amazing ideas, when OSRS came out , I didn't expect that the game would live long because there would be no updates, but I was very wrong.. They invested alot in this and I am enjoying every bit of it, I hope they continue.
It's kinda obvious that this will not pass if it's polled because most people don't know what is better for the game.. When you vote NO on this, you are denying new content to the game that you never even experienced to be giving an opinion on. This one shouldn't even be polled, they should just work on it and release it. Then after one or two months of being implemented in the game, make a poll asking the players their opinion on the skill itself (not asking to remove it of course).
Just open your eyes people**** cannot be only about XP and gainz. Did you start playing runescape because you only wanted to grind on all the skills and not do quests, explore land and kill new bosses? Of course not.
Don't get me wrong, the poll system is what runescape needed for a long time.. But this kind of situations shouldn't even be polled.
Apart from that, I would love that in order to travel/discover Zeah you would require a fairly high sailing level. I can't wait for both the continent and the skill! Good job right there.
I just hope this goes into the game.
07-Aug-2015 20:30:12