d o d o
surely people can very easily put all items and gear onto another account and trade over what they are using at that time?
I can't trade items between an OSRS account and an RS3 account, so if Deadman is a place for separate characters one wouldn't be able to trade out of it.
But that may not be what you mean. After all, they can't kill you if you're not logged in. So one just banks one's stuff with a second account that only logs in briefly to trade with you... yes, some thought will have to go into how to prevent bank raids from being abused and unbalanced with such techniques.
If it requires a new account, I will be voting no.
They've already said it does.
Wrong; they said it doesn't, you can keep and use your acc that has been already made, keep the members you already have, but on that particular server you will start from scratch. You will not need to make an ENTIRE new runescape account and buy members on that to play it.
Hey Jase
So you are attackable EVERYWHERE, but there are safe zones, so which one is it? are you safe in safe zones or not? the way it is explained is just contradictory
You can be attacked anywhere, but safezones have guards that will defend you, but you can still be attacked there too.
mod mat k pls put dungeoneering in deadman
The "Paradign of Exodus" has been announced to come with Zeah and I imagine this to be the osrs equivalent of dungeoneering.
i think i have an interesting idea.. u could somehow make a world chat, which will work for the specific deadman mode worlds... so basically if someone pked u, u write in a world chat his name and cb level and location where he killed u etc... it will be more interesting to play, and ppl will actually think before they kill someone.. and it will be good idea to set that u can write in that world chat every couple of minutes so u avoid spamming
I like the idea of a world chat in deadman mode. It would greatly help with trading.
Although, I think the game already announces if somebody is killed by another player and they even tell you their name and location.