
Dev Blog: Deadman Mode v2

Quick find code: 380-381-196-65648331

Ajax Grendel
Sep Member 2022

Ajax Grendel

Posts: 5,090 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The premise of the mode is certainly promising, but the conceptualized aspect is still a bit murky.

A couple of observations (apologies if these were answered in some capacity already):

-This will be a Clan mode, no doubt about it. If you don't have a clan, good luck, have fun dying.

-7 lost levels on death? How exactly is the scaling of this fair of say, losing 7 levels at 50 attack versus 99 attack? Yeah, I understand it's half the XP and it's linear, but it still makes literally no sense.

-Are there going to be XP multipliers for leveling? I can't imagine that many people are going to want grind (and grind again post-death) over and over again for a very limited amount of glory (a spot on a separate set of hi-scores, cool but not exactly worth the effort this game mode seems to require). Especially given how easy it is to die in this mode.

-How will people even make money? This seems like a hybrid PVP type hardcore Ironman mode. I'm not seeing a broad niche of players being intrigued by this, but I could be wrong.

-How will this impact the core 2007 games PVP? Surely it would negatively impact it?

-What is the real motivation behind continued playing of this mode? Sounds like something that gets quite paltry quite fast. A non permanent spot on a separate hi-score list. I'm not seeing much appeal there.

This mode seems like a blend of hardcore punishment and leisure - but there's too much punishment for too little reward imo. Which makes a dead content mode fast imo.

13-Jul-2015 02:11:49



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ajax Grendel said :
-7 lost levels on death? How exactly is the scaling of this fair of say, losing 7 levels at 50 attack versus 99 attack? Yeah, I understand it's half the XP and it's linear, but it still makes literally no sense.

-What is the real motivation behind continued playing of this mode? Sounds like something that gets quite paltry quite fast. A non permanent spot on a separate hi-score list. I'm not seeing much appeal there.

How often are players with 99 attack (and I'd assume decent strength and defence) going to die? Obviously less often. They managed to make it 99 the first time, why cant they do it again? I don't think this is a game mode intended for people to build maxed accounts and if some do pop up the mode clearly needs to be harder.

What is the motivation behind regular osrs? Because I don't see any greater reason there either. surely the fact that anyone can potentially be knocked down from the top spot is a better reason to compete for it.

I don't know much about the clan scene but are they really so organised they would move around as a collective unit? Are there really going to be 30 odd people standing around protecting the minority fishing sharks or w/e? Collectively running around farming crops? Questing? Hunter? Clans, I think could be powerful force when they are together and organised but if they are waiting on their turn to skill or for other members to log on for protection they will progress much more slowly.

13-Jul-2015 03:12:44



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I see alot of clans appearing, which I don't really care about because the same happens in wildy and its part of the game. What I'm really interested to see is clans recruiting and then backstabbing new initiates for their items and for luls ;)

13-Jul-2015 03:30:53



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I see alot of clans appearing, which I don't really care about because the same happens in wildy and its part of the game. What I'm really interested to see is clans recruiting and then backstabbing new initiates for their items and for luls ;)

Or even just backstabbing each other. Clan members perhaps arriving late just receive a massive retaliation out of habit. Team capes would probably be used though.

13-Jul-2015 03:36:07

Ajax Grendel
Sep Member 2022

Ajax Grendel

Posts: 5,090 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

You make some good points, I'll dissect your observations:

I think players @ 99 stats dying would be more frequent than you think. If they're getting piled by an adept set of pkers then they probably wont last too long. One single death costing you 6M experience just seems steep as hell to me. The scaling makes sense in mathematical terms but not so much in terms of effort. Now, that's not to say this mode is catered towards going for max, but the motivation to get there certainly takes a hit that only one single death can cost you. And while Jagex assures everyone that the DDoS protection will be fortified, it only takes one successful attempt to potentially wipe out millions of XP for someone. Or a traditional lag out or power outage while playing would also do the job.

The motivation behind regular Old School RS is a varied answer for many, but there's more potential rewards so to speak besides just the hi-scores. Your bank and stats aren't on the line, for one, so you don't have to worry about that. Many people also come for the challenge and find motivation in that - which is also an adequate reasoning for dead man mode. I'm actually not against Deadman Mode, my worries just lie in its long term sustainability. Another potential motivation behind OSRS is that in many ways it is better to make money in OSRS and then swap it over to RS3. Lots of people take advantage of this as it's not against the rules and most best gp/hr methods for RS3 are actually doing stuff in OSRS. So there is much more motivating people than just a set of hiscores. While there is definitely a degree of fun in Deadman mode, the death penalty quells a lot of it, imo.

Lastly, I'll admit I'm not well versed on the clan scene either, but I certainly think there will be factions skilled and disciplined enough to systematically destroy people- especially soloers or small groups.

And I still just worry about the making money aspect. The grind is heavily pronounced.

13-Jul-2015 03:38:35

Is it okay

Is it okay

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For all the mods out there, i was wondering if you can do a revote for the Revenants in the wilderness because ive gone around and ask people if they want revenants back and alot said yes. i know you did a vote and the vote were 74% yes and 26% no and you guys said that you need 75% for you guys to add revenants into the game. i was wondering if you'd please revote for Revenants i'd appreciate that.

Thank you.
in-game-name: gaerfried14

13-Jul-2015 04:28:32



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not so sure. Getting a 99 even with the exp multiplier just confirms you have the street smarts to survive. Especially with a combat stat you are going to experience less fights since you won't be an easy target and you likely have the skills and experience to get away.

I think deadman has enough of a niche to sustain itself. Even if the amount of deadman worlds need to be reduced at some point I don't think the deadman playerbase will ever hit zero. Just like ironman who have the same problems. As an ultimate ironman I don't think money making will be an issue and since deadman is an isolated population money will like take on a different value than what we are used to.

13-Jul-2015 04:35:41

Ajax Grendel
Sep Member 2022

Ajax Grendel

Posts: 5,090 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pendual said :
I'm not so sure. Getting a 99 even with the exp multiplier just confirms you have the street smarts to survive. Especially with a combat stat you are going to experience less fights since you won't be an easy target and you likely have the skills and experience to get away.

I think deadman has enough of a niche to sustain itself. Even if the amount of deadman worlds need to be reduced at some point I don't think the deadman playerbase will ever hit zero. Just like ironman who have the same problems. As an ultimate ironman I don't think money making will be an issue and since deadman is an isolated population money will like take on a different value than what we are used to.

Well said, I certainly hope it survives. Going strong in the Poll so far. I think it'd be a good piece of content for anyone involved in Twitch to get into as well. I know I'd certainly tune in to watch Deadman mode streams.

13-Jul-2015 04:37:25

Ork God

Ork God

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're able to protect up to 5 different skills, only 2 combat skills. You lose 50% XP in everything else and 1 slot in your bank of your killers choosing. If you skull, you'll be attacked on site if you enter a town and the guards are gonna be super strong high level. Getting out of Lumbridge is going to be a *****... Especially when it first opens up... The best thing to do is level ATK & STR straight out of the gate and get to doing F2P quests and slayer. I think once your 40/40/40 in ATK, STR, DEF you should be good for a couple days. With 5x XP that should only take 2-3 hours of killing chickens, goblins, or somewhere. Camping altars will be a good way to get runes from RCers. *Cers and Fletchers will stay in towns like Varrock, Falador, and Gnome Stronghold.

I plan to ATK & STR, fish some damn trout at barb, and do slayer using the low level master... If I can get to 85 before others can, I'll be in decent shape. But I'm wondering what skills will be useful to protect? Construction could be one of them until you get a study and portals. Then make some tabs and sell them for high prices. Crafting will be decent because RCers will want glories ASAP. Mining/Smithing for armor/weapons because everyone is gonna want a Rune Scimmy! Thieving will be completely useless except at level 70/82? where you can start stealing from paladins for decent cash flow. Prayer is useless, no reason to farm green dragons. Chinchompas will be the most expensive item and most dangerous, literally get 55-99 Range in 20ish hours with 5x XP. Questing will be insanely tough as you lose 50% XP everytime you die in all skills except those that are protected. Agility will be useful for slayer and getting away from people. Herblore and Farming will be great money makers as well. I'm excited for this... I just hope there's some level gap like you can only attack 15 above/below your combat level. Like in PVP worlds.


13-Jul-2015 06:11:48

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