Make factions for each city
(This will make up for one clan controlling everything, WHICH WILL HAPPEN)
Allow slightly higher exp or boosted stats in your respective faction
(example: someone in the Falador faction gets .02% or w/e more exp while in Falador)
Make faction leader capes for the leaders of each faction
(These will be either be highest total levels of each factions or voted on)
Allow world chat for faction leaders only
(This along with being the leader itself will promote competition and order)
Make guards less powerful but still relevant
(This will allow for raids against factions but still provide an edge for the defending one)
Make each faction limited or random
(When making an account this will keep from overpopulation of one faction)
If a Faction leader dies make them join the killing faction
(This will promote what Deadman mode wants, ordered chaos Since they will want to return to their faction and will fight to do so or will create treaties and bigger wars)
Keep everything else the same
(Other than these Deadman mode is fine)