Something I see a lot of people missing is how you actually CAN be attacked everywhere, even in the safezones. What would be the point of city guards if you're instantly safe when you step into a town? In this blog it even states PvP is enabled everywhere, and the city guards are there to make attacking people in towns look like a bad idea, which it should be.
A lot of this was mentioned in the first devblog, and from the look of it things haven't changed too much.
However, I do believe xp rates should be normal in towns and wherever these guards can be found. If people wanted to raise herblore for example, if they wanted that 5x boost, they'd have to step out of town to use it right. That would put them at risk of being attacked, so even if you're skilling there is still a risk. It's Deadman mode, so there should always be a risk attached to it.
That said, some places don't need city guards at all. I'll name a few places that
have any guards.
-Fishing Guild. It's not even a town mates.
-Maybe the F2P side of Karamja. Who would hire these insanely powerful guards to protect a banana plantation and three or so buildings? Again, it's not really a town, more of a small port.
-All of Morytania. Land of the damned, enough said.
-The land between the castles of Etceteria and Miscellania. It's open fields, murder central.
-The area outside of the Neitiznot gate. Not actually a part of the town, as the actual town has a giant wall built around it.
-A lot of the Gnome Stronghold is debatable. It's all technically one town as there's a giant wall around it, but the Grand Tree is the real meat of the place. A King shouldn't have disorder in his country, however.
Another thing that would be interesting is themed guards for the area. Such as the Grand Tree having gnome guards, Relleka having the Honour Guards found on Neit, and so on.
Looking at my post history in 2022 has made me realize I may have had a very minor case of serious brain damage as a kid.
06-Jul-2015 22:52:01