Deadman looks like it is coming along nicely, but I do have some feedback and suggestions.
The Safe Zones look nice; I was a bit surprised to see so many training areas as safe zones, like fishing spots and yaks. One suggestion I have is to make all of the Guilds safe zones. Currently some guilds like Magic, Warrior, and Fishing are why others like Champions, Heroes, Legends, Cooking, Crafting, and Ranging are not. Also, it is unclear if underground areas connected to safe zones, like the Jatizso mines, are counted in the safe areas.
As for the 5 Skill Protects, I like the idea of being able to pick some skills to keep safe, but you should not be able to pick any 5 right off the bat. My suggestion is that you unlock Skill Protect slots similar to your Slayer Blocks, but instead of being based on your Quest Points these will use your Total Level. Furthermore, not all of these Skill Protects would work on combat skills; I'd say 2 at most or else you will have players with max melee and range not risking any skills going around killing everyone. Also, if the Skill Protects ran off Total Level, it would mean you had the potential to lose a Skill Protect after death; for example, if you had a skill Protect from 250 and 500 total and were at exactly 500 total and died, you would still protect your chosen 2 skills but the loss of the exp from the other skills would put you below 500 total and make you have to earn you second Skill Protect back. This would give all Deadman a reason to skill and not just grind combat stats, since training all skill will raise total level quicker.
Also, will there be a cost to setting a Skill Protect and will you have to repay it after each death or is it just a onetime thing? Will Insuring items also have a fee associated with it and will there be a limit on the number of item you can ensure? And will the GE for Deadman servers be unique and not connect with the GE of normal worlds?
06-Jul-2015 22:15:45