
How are things in Old School?

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joe poop

joe poop

Posts: 2,366 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I personally haven't experienced any of the DDoS attacks when I'm on OSRS but its still awesome to see precautions have been taken to deal with the attacks. Thank you OSRS Team for working hard to stop/prevent the ddosing from happening !

25-May-2015 21:09:49

Conor NZ

Conor NZ

Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey team! Last week on Wes*day i experinced the sever disconnections that we all had. I did not realize that the severs were disconnecting as they were fine when i logged in. I have not been able to message before as i have been busy with work., so i apologies. I was soloing at Bandos when at 2.40 pm-3.15pm New Zealand time or 3.40- 4.15am UK time, i could not log in at which i had died. Because the death machaincs only allowed 30 minutes i ended up losing my fire cape and dragon dfender. I was woundering at all would it be possible to get back this stuff, as i am not worried about the trabables that were lost. I have played for for many years since 2006 and only now have a considered moving on from the game. I know you guys are extremely busy, and the ddosing is not at all your fault, but i was just wondering if it was all possible to get those items back. You can check my death logs. Account: pizza conor

26-May-2015 03:42:47

tabon yemek

tabon yemek

Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey, I know world dc's (ddos) are out of your reach but
I have lost 2 fire capes now, both because I have been deep wildy pking and the first time I died I went for fun with an fcape and I didn't know, no one told me , it doesn't tell you anywhere that you lose it above ?? 30 wild + ? so I dced at lava dragons vet'ion killed me and good fight took me like 15 hours

2nd time, some time ago, I was in a pvp world and I forgot, again, that you lose it (I've got ADD so with my horrible concentration and memory I can't even remember to put food/drinks in my bag or to take clothes for gymnastics, every single time :( no exceptions, without my mum oh my days
so I was in pvp world and just checking out how the splashing on chinchompa hunters work, forgetting that you lose it, so a 98 started trying to kill me, all good, but then when I tryed to run ( 33 wild, charged glory no Teleblock and 4 sharks!! ) worlds started dcing.. AGAIN! and I lost my firecape which I realized asap I spawned in lumby

I know there has been some talk about refunds and I know you can't handle all requests etc but

I tryed somewhat 30 hours pre eoc to get one, I finally got it eoc with 95 magic? the first one
on slayer task because I also used full virtus etc so..

so after aprox 4x before I got my 3rd cape ( the one I lost 2nd time on 07 ) ( took me ~8 hourish ) I really really reaaally do not feel for doing ( or even trying) Jad/Fight caves again!

Sorry if this post is misplaced

I would love a fire cape spawned into my bank so much haha, probably won't happen but okay

I know it is 'just a game' but I can tell you, after wanting one for so many years ( main too obv ) and getting one after so many hours, losing it to a wildy boss l0l!
then losing ANOTHER one again because of dc's is just so depressing!

Well, I hope I can get understanding/help, I probably made some type/grammar mistakes :L
I know theres tons more but this is just my story : '(, I CRI EVRYTIE* :(

26-May-2015 17:02:39



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All i have to say is i cannot player kill until the ddos attacks are taken care of because i have died multiple times trying to player kill when the attacks happen, lost many coins to these attacks and i'm sick of it, makes me want to quit the game all together. The only solution i have found to this problem is spam teleporting if you feel the lag coming on, this has worked for me once or twice, thus crossing your fingers that you can log back in at varrock, and not lumbridge. :|

26-May-2015 17:45:16

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 3,690 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ze n said :
I feel things like NMZ, Splashing and Zulrah destroy the integrity of the game. OldSchool is here partly because people didn't like how easy the other game was getting and these things just contradict this.

That's the 2007 community for you friend.

26-May-2015 22:07:38



Posts: 698 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wyverns and Zulrah are clearly much to profitable. Especially Zulrah. Having seen the huge amount of money that can be consistently made at Zulrah i regret voting yes for this boss.

The noted magic logs, sharks, and other raw material drops are particularly troubling to me. In addition to Zulrah being grossly over-profitable other skills are devalued and undermined.

Similarly uncut onyx should not be a drop from Zulrah, this drop would better have been suited to some sort of Tzhaar monster or boss update.
Survival of the fittest

27-May-2015 01:08:57 - Last edited on 27-May-2015 01:12:49 by dubomb2112



Posts: 427 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
x143 said :
No! Please leave zulrah alone. I don't see any indication that he has ruined the economy and he is very balanced with his drops. I want to cover the cost of doing him with some profit. Some of the drops you walk away with 36k leaving you wonder if it covered the cost of flake usage and other supplies. I don't want zulrah nerfed to where you just break even or a hair above like everything else in the game. I go to bandos and its a joke because i get low leveled items worth nothing mostly. I go to abby demons and i get steel items, useless herbs, and if im lucky a good rune item to alch thats worthy of my nature rune. All you people crying for a zulrah nerf quit ruining it for people like me who greatly enjoy this boss. If you put in the time and grind you should be rewarded for it as long as your not cheating. I'm with jagex on this one. It is perfectly balanced as it is and don't ruin zulrah for the people who put the time into it please!

Agreed, please leave zulrah alone. Its not like other players can't put the time in and learn how to do it themselves. Don't ruin the fun for the people who have taken the time to learn the boss mechanics, just take the time and have some fun yourself.

Zulrah is around 2m - supplies an hour max, that's not op. You can make plenty more with a good corp team / gwd.

27-May-2015 03:05:40 - Last edited on 27-May-2015 03:15:37 by Yumy



Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Such a shame with these DDoS attacks, what many people seem to be failing to realise that these attacks may subside enough to allow most players not to disconnect but there is definately still an effect on the servers afterwards (whether the attack is ongoing im unsure) as the worlds will often have a greater lag to them than it used too. For example when pking, going to switch weapons it wont register and the weapons wont switch. Same goes for eating it doesnt register, especially if you are timing to 1 tick eating and switching.
This effect seems to be almost constant over the last week or so since the attacks began.

Although I have one suggestion for Jagex and it would be good to a reply as if this is in the realm of possibility. Ever since dedicated Wilderness worlds were made there used to be a USA based world and a UK based world, now there's 2 UK worlds for F2P pking and no USA worlds (which is pointless, especially since the USA worlds used to be the most popular pre eoc). It would be nice to get a USA server like pre eoc so players such as myself (oceania) can have lower ping worlds to pk on.

Another suggestion is to have High Risk pvp worlds for F2P, most of the time the risk is only a Rune 2h and with protect item its pointless. You guys had it right pre eoc, I have spoken to many players and noone that pks that is infavour of being able to protect in the wilderness.

27-May-2015 09:42:12

Metal Little
Dec Member 2006

Metal Little

Posts: 2,377 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A Lotta Dmg said :
Metal Little said :
First and foremost, leave Zulrah and Skeletal Wyvern* as is. Wyve** help fill the void left when noted adamant bars were removed upon re-implementation of God Wars from Aviansies' drops in regular GWD. Also, Wyverns are harder to kill than higher-tier Slayer monsters who offer abysmal drops. Zuly is a great boss to kill especially with DDOS attacks continuously plaguing this game. After all, even an Attack dummy can figure out that no one wants to risk bank at overpowered bosses due to constant lagging. If not, then I dare you to take your entire bank to Corp, wait for a lag spike, and die via an unwanted and forced disconnection before whining, moaning, and complaining about how "easy" or "OP" Zuly or any boss for that matter is. Zuly makes up for this, and the last thing we need is another piece of content nerfed into mere obscurity. All in all, the content balances out, and people don't know how good something truly is until it's gone.

NMZ should be left alone as well. It was already nerfed due to generous amounts of Magic experience, which eventually led to training Magic through splashing.

As far as splashing goes, rather than potentially ruining traditional Magic as OSR has seen it for ages, try adapting the RSC way where magical accuracy is unaffected by any metal armour. Alternatively, make it so that it gets more difficult to splash at higher Magic levels. Thus, there is no negative Magic bonuses, and accuracy increases according to leveling regardless of armour. Then, Magic can be trained the way it supposed to be.

Jesus if I see "wyverns are hard" one more time, I'm going to lose my mind, THEY ARE SAFE SPOTTABLE , literally you can AFK kill them, if they aren't nerfed a little bit this game has one point, get 72 slayer and AFK wyverns until you have 100m, then you're good enough to go kill zulrah. Woo what a fun game.
Continued below.

Bring back the old look on male Armadyl armor!

52-time OSRS/3 Skill Master

27-May-2015 20:25:21

Metal Little
Dec Member 2006

Metal Little

Posts: 2,377 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Other monsters can also be safe-spotted as well. The whole idea of using Ranged or Magic is to be able to safe-spot monsters. That doesn't mean their drop tables should be nerfed to hell just because they can be safe-spotted, and a few people feel that such a petty issue warrants it. Reaching level 72 Slayer to get to Wyverns is no easy feat, and it requires a grind and a leg. Again, I'd like to reiterate that they're fine as is, and they help fill that void left when Aviansies had their profitability nerfed. It all evens out especially with the competition of capitals, which is, in Economics, when a firm takes notice of a profitable opportunity and joins that market because there's money to be made in it. Hence, that's why Wyverns are so crowded because players can profit at Wyverns, and profits naturally decline due to the competition of capitals, so there will be less money to be made there overtime.

Not for nothing, I remember I used to dread being assigned Wyverns due to subpar drops in the main game especially before the Slayer points update and task cancellation were implemented. As a matter of fact, that was the first task I had permanently cancelled although I no longer play that game, and I still have them cancelled to this very day. Now, it's nice to see them as a great task actually worth doing in OSR.

Also, leave Zuly alone! He's a nice piece of content in OSR and serves his purpose well especially in DC Scape, which has more DC than the whole damn DC Universe put together. If you feel that Zuly is too easy, however, then nothing is stopping you from taking on a harder boss like Corp or something rather than whine and ruin content that others could enjoy. Again, I dare you and anyone else who feels the same to take your entire bank to Corp during an epic lag spike and a DC lasting on hours' end.

Bring back the old look on male Armadyl armor!

52-time OSRS/3 Skill Master

27-May-2015 20:25:29 - Last edited on 27-May-2015 23:03:26 by Metal Little

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