Such a shame with these DDoS attacks, what many people seem to be failing to realise that these attacks may subside enough to allow most players not to disconnect but there is definately still an effect on the servers afterwards (whether the attack is ongoing im unsure) as the worlds will often have a greater lag to them than it used too. For example when pking, going to switch weapons it wont register and the weapons wont switch. Same goes for eating it doesnt register, especially if you are timing to 1 tick eating and switching.
This effect seems to be almost constant over the last week or so since the attacks began.
Although I have one suggestion for Jagex and it would be good to a reply as if this is in the realm of possibility. Ever since dedicated Wilderness worlds were made there used to be a USA based world and a UK based world, now there's 2 UK worlds for F2P pking and no USA worlds (which is pointless, especially since the USA worlds used to be the most popular pre eoc). It would be nice to get a USA server like pre eoc so players such as myself (oceania) can have lower ping worlds to pk on.
Another suggestion is to have High Risk pvp worlds for F2P, most of the time the risk is only a Rune 2h and with protect item its pointless. You guys had it right pre eoc, I have spoken to many players and noone that pks that is infavour of being able to protect in the wilderness.
27-May-2015 09:42:12