
How are things in Old School?

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Posts: 4,345 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" However, we want to put some more effort into general cheating and negative behaviours that impact the game. As such we will be looking at bringing someone in to do this. It is likely that this person will work behind the scenes and you may not know who they are, but that remains to be seen. "

I hope this means what I think it does. We may finally see an end to all the scammers, such as "doubling money" or "selling 100k p ess 5m, worth 10m!" or any other variation. I hope this also includes lurers as well.

21-May-2015 10:07:34



Posts: 22 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can say 1 thing. When JaGeX Ltd brought out Evolution of Combat. Thats where ALL the pure clans & some main clans aswell. Stopped playing RuneScape. It killed a huge part of the RuneScape Community that time.
Every single pure clan decided it was time to join a "Private Server". RuneScape look-a-like with faster xp and all.

Long story short. It became so much of a popularity that people decided to DDoS that Private Server every Saturday/Sunday where the events take part of. Those days the Private Server consisted with more than 25.000 RS/ex-RS Players. After 2 Months of DDoSing it only had 5000 People remaining because people found better things to do than sitting infront of a frozen screen. (Most people then went to League).

Personally, It kills a game slowly by showing you guys can't protect this. Nor did the funded PrivateSever. We plan events and our server gets DDoS'd. Its just a matter of time before people decide not to pay MemberShip anymore because of the Product JaGeX Ltd is providing us. It kills the Community that the new Mods are trying to retrieve.

Instead of focusing on bots/afk-ers please focus on this main problem.

21-May-2015 10:19:27 - Last edited on 21-May-2015 10:21:24 by Y2Quak



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally don't kill Wyverns or Zulrah, (although i can) as it is not enjoyable for me.
Personally feel Wyverns and Zulrah are fairly balanced when you look at the items they drop compared to other monster drops many of the items would be difficult to obtain making the game tedious. Probably made no sense but in short Wyverns and Zulrah bringing supplies into the game makes it much funner and if you don't like it make an ironman.

21-May-2015 11:02:01

Metal Little
Dec Member 2006

Metal Little

Posts: 2,377 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First and foremost, leave Zulrah and Skeletal Wyvern* as is. Wyve** help fill the void left when noted adamant bars were removed upon re-implementation of God Wars from Aviansies' drops in regular GWD. Also, Wyverns are harder to kill than higher-tier Slayer monsters who offer abysmal drops. Zuly is a great boss to kill especially with DDOS attacks continuously plaguing this game. After all, even an Attack dummy can figure out that no one wants to risk bank at overpowered bosses due to constant lagging. If not, then I dare you to take your entire bank to Corp, wait for a lag spike, and die via an unwanted and forced disconnection before whining, moaning, and complaining about how "easy" or "OP" Zuly or any boss for that matter is. Zuly makes up for this, and the last thing we need is another piece of content nerfed into mere obscurity. All in all, the content balances out, and people don't know how good something truly is until it's gone.

NMZ should be left alone as well. It was already nerfed due to generous amounts of Magic experience, which eventually led to training Magic through splashing.

As far as splashing goes, rather than potentially ruining traditional Magic as OSR has seen it for ages, try adapting the RSC way where magical accuracy is unaffected by any metal armour. Alternatively, make it so that it gets more difficult to splash at higher Magic levels. Thus, there is no negative Magic bonuses, and accuracy increases according to leveling regardless of armour. Then, Magic can be trained the way it supposed to be.

Bring back the old look on male Armadyl armor!

52-time OSRS/3 Skill Master

21-May-2015 12:33:44

Roo Renacido
Mar Member 2015

Roo Renacido

Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For one to have used NMZ or splashing and then want it gone is just absurd and selfish. One with this mindset obviously has the desire for some sort of privileged feeling but I'm not sure what kind of twisted logic creates that desire. It isn't even comparable to those on RS3 that whine each time that a faster or easier training method comes out. Those people want to return to a previous standard. In comparison, this is a one-man army using a scorched earth policy to purposely put those that come after him at a disposition that is WORSE than the previous standard.

OSRS wanted to return to the essence of 2007 and splashing/melee afking was part of that essence, so just leave it alone.

21-May-2015 12:52:18



Posts: 358 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have not had time to read everyone's posts and ideas, so sorry if this is something other people have already said.

NMZ fix- Make there be a piece of required head gear. No quest monster currently in NMZ requires head gear to fight, generally speaking of the core equipment slots headgear contributes the least. Make the sleeping shades that you use for dreaming have better stats the more quest points the creator of the dream has. That way someone using a lower level's dream, you have to rely more on food and prayer potions than someone doing their own dream purely for the challenge of NMZ. Sadly this would remove all barrows, not just Guthans. But it would completely remove the 100% AFK factor without the core of NMZ needing to be changed.

Splashing- After one hour of continuous combat magic casting you lose your ability to concentrate and your magic drops to 0. Then your character bashes whatever you were fighting with the staff. It would not effect any players actually using magic because of the continuous combat requirement, it would still allow some AFK ability for people who can afford to splash. It punishes people who just let it happen by reducing their magic to 0. Which has a quick fix via the restore pot.

Edit: I have no room to comment on Zulrah as I have never fought her before.

Wyvern Fix- I think making skeletal wyverns only be killable on assignment would make them an exciting slayer task, more easily available for those who have them as a slayer task instead of having to compete with bots and people who farm them, and would encourage people to actually train slayer beyond level 72.

I love all the new slayer ideas! Cannot wait to go for a Fire Cape on task.

21-May-2015 13:24:39 - Last edited on 21-May-2015 13:34:22 by Sherlock155

J0hn Snovv

J0hn Snovv

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to thank Jagex for hearing our call and posting that they know about the attacks and they are doing something about it! that way i can be assured that this problem will not be permanent ( those ddosers are crashing guthans ! )
for that Jagex i thank you very much.
on the other hand, i don't understand what is all the fuss about AFK Guthan in NMZ.
here are my data bout the situation .
only 5% of rs players are using it. still the community is divided 50-50 about allowing it.
the weird part about it is that there are no special requirement to do it, any player can do it. those who are "crying" about it being O.P i don't understand why don't they do it as well?
and than i don't see the difference in me watching my account for 6 hours or leaving it which will give me the same result. I actually stayed 6 hours watching my account doing NMZ guthan ( boring! alot!) .
since there is no impact on the game in AFK or actually playing ( watching) in NMZ i dont see why there is even a need of wasting a brain cell debating this.
other than that, Thank you Jahex again and again for your hard efforts in making this game that i play now for 10 years an enjoyable and healthy game ( kill the bots plzz) .

21-May-2015 14:35:48

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