-Get rid of base magic xp. There are pros and cons to this, but the cons make it much worse with splashing. There's plenty of ways to train mage, such as plank make, string jewelry, and alching. Getting rid of base magic xp will be a good thing in the long run.
-Same with afk NMZ - this totally demolishes the combat skills and will tarnish OSRS in the long run. More people will be 120+ combat through afk methods, which means more people doing bosses, which means a lot of devalued items because of something simple such as afk NMZ. NMZ is great, but I think the RS team can do something with Guthan's inside of NMZ, such as devalue or stop its functions in the actual NMZ game. Once again, this will buff the values of the combat skills and would make everything more legitimate in the end.
-Zulrah is ridiculous money for how easy it is to kill it. Something like double nature-rune making, which takes MONTHS to get, is still LESS GP per hour than Zulrah, which just requires mediocre mage and range levels to kill alongside a quest. Even Zulrah's stages are all in order - not even randomized!
20-May-2015 19:17:24