
How are things in Old School?

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Roo Renacido
Mar Member 2015

Roo Renacido

Posts: 115 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It would be good to put it to a vote, specifying that the poll is just to gather info and not to make any immediate change. For example, instead of proposing a change, just put

"Splashing is a problem" - Y/N/indifferent
"NMZ afking is a problem" - Y/N/indifferent
"Wyverns drops are too generous" - Y/N/indifferent
"Zulrah drops are too generous" - Y/N/indifferent

We could see the proportions of the community splits on each topic. It would be VERY important that indifferent appears as an option so that there aren't random votes from those who, for example, are low-level, know nothing of zulrah and just put something based on one line they read on a thread, or worse, a random guess. If hypothetically one came out with like 90 percent combined of no [as in not a problem] or indifferent, the issue would be scrapped and we wouldn't even have to waste time proposing solutions to things that aren't problems. This would remove the effect of vocal minorities.

21-May-2015 14:43:42 - Last edited on 21-May-2015 14:58:27 by Roo Renacido

A Lotta Dmg
Nov Member 2022

A Lotta Dmg

Posts: 41 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Metal Little said :
First and foremost, leave Zulrah and Skeletal Wyvern* as is. Wyve** help fill the void left when noted adamant bars were removed upon re-implementation of God Wars from Aviansies' drops in regular GWD. Also, Wyverns are harder to kill than higher-tier Slayer monsters who offer abysmal drops. Zuly is a great boss to kill especially with DDOS attacks continuously plaguing this game. After all, even an Attack dummy can figure out that no one wants to risk bank at overpowered bosses due to constant lagging. If not, then I dare you to take your entire bank to Corp, wait for a lag spike, and die via an unwanted and forced disconnection before whining, moaning, and complaining about how "easy" or "OP" Zuly or any boss for that matter is. Zuly makes up for this, and the last thing we need is another piece of content nerfed into mere obscurity. All in all, the content balances out, and people don't know how good something truly is until it's gone.

NMZ should be left alone as well. It was already nerfed due to generous amounts of Magic experience, which eventually led to training Magic through splashing.

As far as splashing goes, rather than potentially ruining traditional Magic as OSR has seen it for ages, try adapting the RSC way where magical accuracy is unaffected by any metal armour. Alternatively, make it so that it gets more difficult to splash at higher Magic levels. Thus, there is no negative Magic bonuses, and accuracy increases according to leveling regardless of armour. Then, Magic can be trained the way it supposed to be.

Jesus if I see "wyverns are hard" one more time, I'm going to lose my mind, THEY ARE SAFE SPOTTABLE , literally you can AFK kill them, if they aren't nerfed a little bit this game has one point, get 72 slayer and AFK wyverns until you have 100m, then you're good enough to go kill zulrah. Woo what a fun game.
-Straw hat Pirates Crew

21-May-2015 15:22:26 - Last edited on 21-May-2015 15:31:08 by A Lotta Dmg

Tim Westwood

Tim Westwood

Posts: 118 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How is it Jagex find it acceptable that a multinational gaming company is being held to ransom by a bunch of mad kids who got their accounts banned?

Where are our membership refunds for all the days we lose by giving up trying to play when the servers go off every 2 seconds? Its not even the odd dc anymore it's persistent and makes the game unplayable at times.

Posting this news topic achieves nothing other than try to deflect attention away from the horrendous server stability towards other game mechanic issues.. face your problems or give us membership compensation if you can't find a solution.

21-May-2015 15:55:09



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
EOC killed Runescape.
Bunch of nerds in moms basements killed OSRS.

Hope they find a way to roll back the game a few days since this s**t got out of hand.
Or refund me 70m pls.

21-May-2015 16:04:43 - Last edited on 21-May-2015 16:05:45 by Hooligan07

Apr Member 2017


Posts: 120 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Firstly, get your servers stable, and secure! Then permanently ban these people for doing what they did, DO NOT GIVE IN! You are feeding the people that cause a nuisance to the rest of the gaming community on these servers! Show them you don't take crap, get the ban hammer out, and smash these people! We want to play your servers, but if you can't get this fixed ASAP then some people will leave because they got bored of just "waiting" We want something done! And we want something done NOW!

For the people saying we should get membership renewed for a few days, I agree, I can't even fish for 5 minutes without getting dc'd, which is not a game I want to play! I think for the problems that's been happening with people losing their bank and time, I think even a month should be in order, because people now have to spend time in order to get their items back. Which will take some time!!!!

I fully support this game, I am not a fan of Rs3, and I will not be playing it during the downtime.

21-May-2015 16:20:04

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