I honestly think the most important thing right now, is to consider that this is a different world than it was in 2007. DDOS attacks were essentially non-existent.
Why not allow players to buy an item back like a fire cape (set a steep price), void (also a steep price), and other items such as a fighter torso from the person in lumbridge who finds lost items. We completed the challenge to get the items, we spent the time, why make us do it again?
I understand people would like the game to remain the exact same as it was years ago, but we must also understand that years ago these problems really were not anything as prevalent as they are now. Players do not lose a fire cape or void in PVP since they can pick it up (unless in deeper wilderness of course), so why should we not be able to simply buy them back in any other situation? I think this should be polled, with a detailed explanation on why it is even being polled.
23-May-2015 09:16:19